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Here's Why All Progressive Activists LOOK The Same

ariellescarcella 7 Feb 10
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As a Libertarian I believe in live and let live, but as an American I stand for Liberty For All and these puppet masters of the woke need to leave our children alone. I appreciate your videos so much, truly, you helped me put a few pieces together. Welcome to the reason for the 2nd amendment, hold the line peacefully and lawfully, but do hold the line please. Censorship is a start.

My heart goes out to all the #truetrans at this time and the difficulties you are facing while the #ttallies #SSLGB work it out.

Please #woketrans and #wokeallies please stop, you're being rapey!


There are only a very few ways to make a dish, but you have the freedom to eat the same dish or not! The point is thinking the same doesn’t have to mean conformity, which liberals can’t seem to ever agree!


You just like arguing with teens on twitter, maybe you should stop it?

bastion Level 7 Feb 11, 2021

I'm just here to say what a breath of fresh air Arielle is. I'm a gay man in my 50s ----Arielle - I stan 🙂 keep up the good work. Because I see someone staying sane in the insanity and rolling off the common sense answers like the most awesome pro ever. And taking all the hate in stride. You're one of the voices keeping me going.


Counterculture movements all tend to eat themselves and a few times it's been fashion related to a certain degree. The Beatniks were a literary movement in the 1940s but never gained popularity among the masses until the mid-fifties, then it became hip in larger cities to wear berets and dark clothing and don an air of pseudo-intellectualism. After so much time it ran it's course, maybe due to running out of a population who could be infected by it. Please note that I'm not knocking Kerouac, Ginsberg et al., they couldn't help the ensuing trend and often dismissed them. Next it was hippies, punks, yuppies, goths, and finally hipsters. However any of these movements started and regardless of their intentions, inevitably the masses who are compelled to follow trends ran it into the ground. Like the Wokies, many of them started out with an attitude of non-conformity but as we can generally the end, all they do is conform.

I sometimes wish I had studied genetics, who seem to claim there's a gene to explain everything from sexual preference to susceptibility to disease. I think it might help explain the mentality behind these cults of personality, which is exactly what this woke madness is. But at heart, I'm still a nurture over nature guy, they had shit parents.


You make lots of good points... but... on the whole Progressives/Woke do not all look the same. Lately I've been thinking many in the extremist fringe though have some sort of need to be different. It is not enough for them to fit in or look "normal/ordinary" for some reason they need to be noticed for being different.
The mindset of Progressives though has many similarities... THEY DO NOT TOLERATE DISSENT.


It's like all the Goths buying their cloths and stuff at a national chain store....


🤣🤣🤣 absolutely ! Apparently there was no backbone in the household raising they have fallen into the passive aggressive profile.and it was only a few years ago that we were talking about the most dangerous people in the world are actually passive aggressive people. Emotionally unstable at a radical level. And because of their passivity with being steamrolled by their parents, educators, work situations... Etc ! They lash out usually at weaker member since society because these aren't the people to stick up to bullies. They no longer believe in the greater good because the good around them has fallen to the same misunderstanding. So we are not looking at a generation well adapted and capable of coping with what the world actually is ? We are looking at radical psychosis because of angles of intent by authority and neglect. It's horrible and it's sad and it's becoming a major of the things we all understand is that personal accountability for who and what you actually are matter more than anything else. That is completely subverted with virtue signaling and moral high ground that doesn't actually exist. if you're that young you haven't done anything for anyone that really mattered other than some emotional bonding. And the hard times are yet to come ! Your twenties are like dog years very much like your teenage years but much more serious. And unfortunately what they serve is a political agenda. With people who are accustomed to taking advantage of the less informed. I don't want to hate them. But they are on the path to finding out the hard way that things don't work like that !

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