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LINK Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy BlackRock and NY Times Buildings

Anti-Israel protesters were out in force in New York City on Thursday. Organizers had been calling for kids to walk out of school and businesses to shut down in support of their ceasefire objective. They also called for stopping support for Israel, arguing that champions "genocide." Yet, they supported the "genocide" of Israel by calling for the elimination of the state of Israel by chanting, "From the river to the sea."

The protest started in Bryant Park and induced students from several schools to walk out of their classes to join in. They also climbed statues at the NY Public Library as they filled the steps. They then hit a couple of pretty ironic places that have helped enable woke attitudes and leftist positions. Now having helped set them loose, those forces appeared to be turning on them. The left-eats-left nature of the action was pretty ironic.

First, they marched on BlackRock, claiming they charged them with genocide.

Then the protesters marched to The New York Times building and had hundreds chanting outside with others occupying the lobby inside. They handed out a mock copy of the newspaper, "The NY Crimes." It listed the names of people in Gaza they claimed had been "killed by Apartheid Israel." As they recited each name, they chanted "ceasefire now" inside the building, as you can see from the video here on X. They claim that The NY Times is biased towards Israel.

But outside the building, they smashed up a police car and spray painted "Free Gaza," as this video shows on X. They also spray painted the front of The NY Times building and a nearby Starbucks with "Free Palestine."

sqeptiq 10 Nov 10
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