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Any formula is only as good as the information plugged into it. Since everything about socialism is nothing but lies start to finish, why do we continue to rely on socialist influenced information at this late stage of human history?

Some of the socialist lies that we’ve swallowed without careful enough scrutiny are:

1} That male humans are the disposable sex of humanity – they are the only net productive sex of humanity; and

2} We’ve accepted the spurious notion of a viable “service economy” and allowed socialists to export our industrial production to far away places; and

3} We’ve accepted the spurious socialist lie that socialist control of human in-devours can control climate changes that’ve been changing all along, on its own, without human influence throughout the planets history; and

4} We’ve accepted the spurious propaganda that carbon is a pollutant when we ourselves are a carbon based life form; and

5} Society has accepted the spurious ‘Feminist Theory’ of historic female oppression as fact. What I’m trying to point out is the fact that any re-population, in the event of male disposal, would take over eighteen years to accomplish.

6} Do I really have to point out that genocide isn’t gender specific?

Although the number of socialist lies sold to humanity is massive, I’m trying to zero in on the misandrous number one above. Because if you can’t get that one right there’s not much hope for humanity – or so I see it.

Productivity is paramount to human development – and has been throughout history. I would submit that socialism would distract you from this one simple fact – leaving ‘productivity’ completely out of calculations.

This one socialist subterfuge is missing from all the feminist nonsense promulgated. Although, for now, a female is required to birth a baby, male or female, which baby isn’t productive for eighteen year which is never figured into the popular demographic equation used to devalue male life – all that in addition to the nine months gestation period required. During all of which the female and child are vulnerable requiring both sustenance and protection.

Even (socialist) communists have always been intelligent enough to recognize that ‘production,’ is now and, always will be the gauge of value to be concerned with.

Any country that exports its productive capability is committing national suicide. Productivity is the pentacle of progress, not some feminist fantasy of a service economy without men. Is it any wonder that China is overtaking this United States on the world stage?

PS. While there are many more aspects to this campaign of socialist feminism deception(s), each one is due a post of its own. Please feel free to correct for yourself any errors you discern herein – as I’m terrible about proofing text(s).

Posted by: Business Basics ~ 6 months ago ~ 1.4M views ~ 959K subs
“ITALY IS ABOUT TO DISAPPEAR FROM THE MAP! Demographic, Economic & Political Crisis Explained”




1.relating to the structure of populations:
"the demographic trend is toward an older population"


  1. a particular sector of a population:
    "the drink is popular with a young demographic"

Powered by Oxford Languages



  1. not being what it purports to be; false or fake:
    "separating authentic and spurious claims"

▪ (of a line of reasoning) apparently but not actually valid:
"this spurious reasoning results in nonsense"

▪ (of offspring) illegitimate.

Word Origin:
late 16th century (in the sense ‘born out of wedlock&rsquo😉: from Latin spurius ‘false’ + -ous.

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Apr 28
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