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The world needs more ambassadorship. Who are everyone's favorite ambassadors? Mine are:

Milburn Drysdale from "Beverly Hillbillies". He integrated the Hillbillies into the Beverly Hills community. He arranged for the Hillbillies to own an estate next to his own. That's ambassadorship. Turns out that the Hillbillies are cool neighbors. Drysdale's executive assistant Jane Hathaway reached out to Jethro (Tarzan) and integrated him into the community.

Elly May from "Beverly Hillbillies". She went to the Beverly Hills park wearing an evening gown and played football with the men, and kicked their butts. She was welcomed into the Beverly Hills community.

Captain Kirk. In the episode "Devil in the Dark", he negotiates peace between humans and aliens. In the episode "Piece of the Action", he brings peace to a gangster world. Peace through superior firepower. Kirk installed himself as the top boss. He pulled a Reddington.

Dr. McCoy. In "Piece of the Action", there's a scene where Spock and McCoy stand side by side as a team, wielding mobster machine guns, looking menacing. They are Kirk's muscle. Kirk's mercs. The mobsters had no idea that Spock and McCoy are not the mobster type.

Spock: "Vulcans never bluff"

Spock and McCoy have hilarious bickering, but they work smoothly together to get jobs done.

Benjamin Franklin. Ambassadors need to be cool, like Ben. Charm offensive. Franklin was in Paris, a place of high fashion, and he wore a simple coonskin hat. It started a fad where ladies of Paris had their hair styled like a coonskin hat.

Shran from "Star Trek", who is captain of an Andorian ship. He reached out to Captain Archer, captain of an Earth ship, and helped Archer. Shran, Archer, and T'Pol worked together and brought peace between Earth, Vulcan, and Andoria, and they joined together to form the United Federation of Planets. Watch Shran's scenes on youtube.

Ambassadorship is fun to think about. When watching film scenes, think how you could have handled things more ambassadorially?You'll see that most film characters don't have ambassadorial mindset.
Practicing ambassadorship promotes mental health and positive mood.

That being said, some matters are beyond ambassadorship. For these matters, think like 007 and light the fuse on every explosive situation. Everyone has a plan. Create chaos so that no one else's plan works, and practice your improv skills.

After the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, King George sent Admiral Howe to negotiate with the Americans. Howe met with Franklin, Adams, and Rutledge.
Lord Howe unhappily stated that he could not view the American delegates as anything but British subjects. Adams replied, "Your lordship may consider me in what light you please,... except that of a British subject." Lord Howe then spoke past Adams to Franklin and Rutledge: "Mr. Adams appears to be a decided character."

Howe stated that the British Crown was willing to negotiate with the Americans, but only if the Americans first renounced their independence. Franklin said no. Loud enough for King George III to hear it on the other side of the Atlantic.

The British Crown tried to bully Americans at Lexington and Concorde, and Americans fought back with the shot heard around the world.

Ambassadors need to be tolerant. Often the opposing side is intolerant, and they use their intolerance to crybully. Virtue signal your tolerance and mock your foes for their intolerance. Mock crybullies as wusses. Sticks and stones...

Ambassadorship is all about communication. The more communication, the better. In a scene in Babylon 5, the Drazi ambassador refuses to communicate. Ambassadorial fail.

Vir is a creative ambassador. He finds ways to communicate.
In the scene below, Vir has the sword advantage, and he ambassadorially declines to use it. He had advantage and he didn't take advantage. He smooths over the situation by letting go of the sword fight and shifting to a food fight. One could imagine Vir and the Drazi ambassador having a hilarious food fight, with the bar patrons cheering on. One could imagine Vir and the Drazi ambassador sharing a round of drinks after the food fight.

The Caltech honor code is: "No member of the Caltech community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the community".

An ambassador de-escalates and a belligerent escalates.

Vulcans understand that synergy is logical.

Think like a boxing promoter. Don King never fought but he made lots of money. Think WWE. The McMahon family made lots of money.

If there's to be a brawl, set a time and place and sell tickets. Include neutral referees to keep the peace. Cobra Kai is uncreative and failed to see the opportunity.

The NFL is a brawl that generates 20 billion dollars per year of revenue.

jaymaron 8 May 24
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I think Jeff Spicoli deserves an honorable mention. He really knew how to smooth over his wrecking Charles Jefferson's car.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 24, 2023

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