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Socialism requires constant adversity of some kind for some sick reason to validate its existence which I can’t comprehend – but yet it always has.

Deny all you as you will, and like it or not we’re living in a socialist world today. A world where unconsciously we think socialistic without even realizing what we’re doing.

To further this socialist need for validating adversity we’re continually subjected to propaganda telling us that our Earth isn’t big enough and doesn’t have enough resources to accommodate it population – all of which is socialist lies to garner your support.

None-the-less socialist politicians have set about fulfilling their socialist doom & gloom professes by causing them to actually happen. You see, socialism is the real threat to humanity, not a shortage of anything.

Just as I said, socialism needs adversity to justify itself. A few months back it was a looming population explosion on the horizon – today it’s a population implosion (or collapse).

The one thing you can be sure of is a looming doom & gloom catastrophe will always be on your horizon as long as socialism has your ear to create it in.

Socialism is an out-of-control guard dog that, although keeping the criminal away, you needs to keep on a very short leash so it it doesn’t end up attacking you. It’s a vicious untrustworthy breed of dog that’s prone to attacking it owner – you.

Although it’ll fall on deaf ears, feminism is just a form of socialist that wears a dress – that’s
all it is. You can literally track the progress of feminism around the world by the countries that no longer are capable of replenishing themselves with 2.1 births per woman. And if that’s not nihilistic enough there’s feminist abortions murdering the unborn – unborn for the moment that is.

Ronald Reagan once said that you can recognize a communist because he’ll be the one that can’t look at two men, one fat the other skinny, standing beside one another without thinking that the fat man just absolutely must’ve stolen from the skinny man to be that way. This is the same identical poison feminism uses with men an women thereby driving them apart – AS IF THEY HAVE EVER BEEN THE SAME. At least the two men Reagan spoke of were both men therefore same – they were equally men. Feminism has managed to convince a myriad of people that apples and oranges are the same fruit. I kinda like my apples to taste like apples and my oranges to taste like oranges – IT’S CALLED ‘DIVERSITY’-- REAL DIVERSITY.

PS. To insist that men and women are the same is the opposite of diversity – diversity would be recognizing that they’re not the same – equal but not the same.

Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (kjv)

Posted by: Triggernometry ~ 2 months ago ~ 119K views ~ 615K subscribers
“The Depopulation Bomb: Stephen J. Shaw”



the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people:

  • Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?

the fact that there are many different ideas or opinions about something:

  • There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.

-- Fewer examples

  • She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.

  • The wonderful diversity of our region's wildlife is now coming under threat.

  • I find the enormous diversity of life on earth quite overwhelming.

  • I'd like the show to reflect the diversity of talent we have here at the college more fully.

  • It is a city of huge musical and artistic diversity, where every taste is catered for.


1914wizard 8 Sep 19
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Socialism isn't a guard dog, it's a global leech, and the flying spaghetti monsters tentacles sucking the blood of the world to feed itself without contributing anything of value


Socialism is now, and has always been, antithetical to human dignity – and we are drowning in socialism today.

Elitism is nothing more than a caste system that truly see themselves superior to you and yours. Bugs are good enough for societies slaves aren’t they?

A few years back there was a report, by so called professionals asserting that human being need to get over their aversion to eating human flesh. No, don’t scoff, it was just a few years back when these so called experts said that humans needed to get used to the idea of eating bugs – and look where we’re at now.

Socialism is a pipe dream that ALWAYS devolves into rule by an ‘oligarchy’ such as we have in America now. And our illustrious Elites have decided that we the people should be eating bugs while cattle are slaughtered in the name of climate change.

Look at China, isn’t it ruled by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)? And what is a ruling party if not an ‘oligarchy’ – an Elite Communist Oligarchy! Or is it that you don’t realize that Communists democratically vote?

It’s not democracy that set this United States apart, it was the Constitution that went along with it that set this country apart from all other attempts. The Constitution that prevented the governing oligarchy from forcing us to eat bugs while slaughtering our cattle because the fart. This United States is on a downward socialist spiral to a dystopic “Soylent Green” future.

Populism is a democratic vote of the people that produce everything instead of just a few Elites.

Posted by The Podcast of the Lotus Eater ~ 7 months ago ~ 64K views ~ 359K subscribers
“Europe is Finally Eating the Bugs”


Web Nov 14, 2019 · An oligarchy is a power structure made up of a few elite individuals, families, or corporations that are allowed to control a country or organization.


Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.

Aristotle used the term oligarchia to designate the rule of the few when it was exercised not by the best but by bad persons unjustly. In this sense, oligarchy is a debased form of aristocracy, which denotes government by the few in which power is vested in the best individuals. Most classic oligarchies have resulted when governing elites were recruited exclusively from a ruling caste—a hereditary social grouping that is set apart from the rest of society by religion, kinship, economic status, prestige, or even language. Such elites tend to exercise power in the interests of their own class.


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