2 2


Because if you repeat something enough times, it's true. Or maybe not, as Gaines pointed out:

Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.
Trans women are women.

Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.
Hot dogs are dogs.


Lia Thomas is not a brave, courageous woman who EARNED a national title. He is an arrogant, cheat who STOLE a national title from a hardworking, deserving woman. The ncaa is responsible.

If I was a woman working at ESPN, I would walk out. You're spineless

MosheBenIssac 8 Sep 26
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MSM has some trouble with this one. It has to do with some anomalous math on the progressive stack. Who has more privilege points a black trans man or a woman? At the end of the day women always have more privilege points. The problem is when this correction to progressive math is on X.


Can't remember, it was either (or both) Goebbels or Marx that maintained that if a big enough lie is repeated enough all of the brain deads will believe it.
(some editing applied)

Another phenom related to the ChooChoo train story: ~ "I know I can, I know I can."

Little losers have gone this path probably since forever. If your Mommy says you can achieve your dream, you CAN!

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