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2309290300F “MY STRUGGLE” (Mein Kampf)?

The very same terminology used by (left wing extremist) Communist Socialism is also used by (right wing extremist) National Socialism because they’re siblings birthed of Hatred. Neither can endure without some group identity to unify against – to hate.

Objectively look around, do you not see the uniting discrimination building against so called white people as if white weren’t a color at all? What I meant by that is that white will always be a color, so why has this term “people of color’ came into being if not to stoke hatred?

What is “Critical Race Theory”if not a frantic fanning of the dying embers racism – an effort to bring back the flames of racism in America?

Socialism is the same evil regardless whether it’s national or international (globalism).

These socialist we’re infected with today have their “struggle sessions” just like all socialists do for the hearing of confessions just like the religion they actually are. Compare the meaning of ‘libertarianism’ with the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence – are they not advocating the same things? And also note that you’ll not find mention of confessionals or democracy either. That’s because without a constitution democracy becomes nothing other than mob rule.

PS1. Socialism is an Un-American evil no matter whether you frame it as Communism or Nazism. A great deal of effort has been made to hide what it is behind terms like Communism and Nazism – TO DECEIVE YOU!

PS2. And the Nazis started re-educating youth just like our educational systems are re-educating our youths today.

PS3. Think about it. Eliminate the family structure and white men who is there to ally with other than the poisonous socialist state?

PS4. Nationalism is not poisonous, it’s the Socialism that is! But these Socialists in charge would have you condemning Nationalism instead of them. ARE WE DOOMED TO REPEAT THE 20th CENTURY AGAIN BECAUSE WE DON’T RECOGNIZE SOCIALISM AS THE EVIL IT IS?

Posted by: Free Documentary – History ~ 2 years ago ~ 3.3M views ~ 592K subscribers
“Mein Kampf: The Secrets of Adolf Hitler's Book of Evil”


“libertarianism, political philosophy that takes individual liberty to be the primary political value. It may be understood as a form of liberalism, classical liberalism in particular, the political philosophy associated with the English philosophers John Locke and John Stuart Mill, the Scottish economist Adam Smith, and the American statesman Thomas Jefferson. Liberalism seeks to define and justify the legitimate powers of government in terms of certain natural or God-given individual rights. These rights include the rights to life, liberty, private property, freedom of speech and association, freedom of worship, government by consent, equality under the law, and moral autonomy (the ability to pursue one’s own conception of happiness, or the “good life&rdquo😉. The purpose of government, according to liberals, is to protect these and other individual rights, and in general liberals have contended that government power should be limited to that which is necessary to accomplish this task. Libertarians are classical liberals who strongly emphasize the individual right to liberty. They contend that the scope and powers of government should be constrained so as to allow each individual as much freedom of action as is consistent with a like freedom for everyone else. Thus, they believe that individuals should be free to behave and to dispose of their property as they see fit, provided that their actions do not infringe on the equal freedom of others.”


Excerpt from the second parragraph of The United States Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,”

1914wizard 8 Sep 29
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