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"Skim milk is one of the most valuable adjuncts of the farm for fattening swine. Used with corn or corn, kafir corn or any of the common grain by-products an almost ideal ration is formed.

  • Cornell University in a 5 yr. study concluded the most economical returns were secured when the milk is fed with cornmeal."

Mmmm... I remember scarfing down my bowl of sugar corn pops or sugar crisp or corn flakes in the morning when I was a kid. I mostly had oatmeal with milk and sugar and toast. Cereal became more of an evening snack in my early teens until my forties. I developed some joint problems and was putting on more and more weight so I cut out dairy and my joint problems went away. I still got heavier and heavier over time and had lost weight on Atkins in my late twenties so went on that diet again. It was vilified and discredited by the nutrition industry but it worked the best and you didn't have to walk around feeling half starved all the time like on other diets.
Anyway, I was getting a bit heavy again and a ketogenic diet was around so I jumped on that bandwagon and lost about 40 lbs. Then I couldn't lose anymore. The carnivore diet was increasingly crossing my path but I thought it was an impossible and stupid idea.
I started to gain weight again and caved into the idea of trying carnivore. I quickly lost another 15 lbs. over my lightest weight reached on my previous keto diet and I lost my belly. First time I didn't have a big gut since my late teens. My waist size went from a 36 to a 31. I think I can probably get into a 30. I gave away a lot of clothes because I couldn't fit in them anymore but I wish I would have kept those that would now fit and were not out of date styles.

I watched a video with Dr. Jay Wortman last night and the above quote is from the video.
as well as this newly coined word:

Grainwashing: The process by which the world has come to believe that the same method that farmers employ to fatten pigs will make them thin and healthy.

There are a lot of lies in the field of nutrition and diet, as well as, finance, economics, education, politics, international relations, and probably any other field one cares to look into. Science is making itself a laughing stock because of political influence. A recent video from Rand Paul said that during the pandemic about $193 billion dollars was shared among about 3,000 scientists that had agreed with political actions during the covid pandemic. Dr. Fauci obviously benefitted greatly from pharmaceutical companies.

I think we are at a crossroads with all the false information we have been fed over the last century, especially in education, health and economics. Education and health in an effort to control populations. Economics is hardly taught and has become more of a study in "econometrics" in order to hide what central banks have done to "money" and national economies. All the "money" will be theirs if they bring in a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Note it is termed a "currency" and not "money". While a currency is a further convenience to money, money itself is owned by the individual and a currency is what banks issue as a record of ownership of money. At least that's the way it used to be.
The implementation of a CBDC allows government total control over the means of exchange. Trudeau exposed that when he froze the bank accounts of thousands of Canadians.

I am optimistic that the current deceitful and fraudulent political games being perpetrated upon us currently will fail in their objectives. The elitists cannot trust each other and will wind up destroying themselves. Cross your fingers!

FrankZeleniuk 8 Oct 15
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Also, milk is forced and pushed on kids. I wonder why?


Zionist communism?

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