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You know what I think about atheism? It is an excuse to be/act human and many will tell you there is a dark side to being human. Do something considered by society as immoral and the cry is, "I'm only human." Humans, as individuals, need to satisfy needs. If society doesn't satisfy, or denies and impedes those individual needs, then individuals will lie, cheat, steal, connive, deceive, essentially do whatever to satisfy those needs, especially if someone else has similar needs being satisfied and their's are not. Communism is a way to level the playing field so they will embrace it.
It isn't that their needs are particulary immoral, they may wish for a more just society, which requires a destruction of the extant society, and they don't recognize the destruction necesary to bringabout a mor just society. They also need to check their concept of what is "just".
A contemporary example being the case of George Floyd. Why is he a hero? He is a hero because he can be used to destroy the unjust society. The policeman who is held responsible for his demise is a represntative of the extant society that needs replacement. Granted, some people abuse their level of authority in our current society. Both he and George Floyd are products of the society. George Floyd was a criminal and our only punishment for criminals is a period of time isolated from society.
Mr. Floyd enjoyed his role as a hoodlum and he ran in circles that supported, approved and justified his conduct and behavior.
If there is any individual need greater in a society or among groups than acknowledgement, recognition and approval I would like to know what it is. Perhaps "love" embodies those aforementioned qualities and that is what George Floyd was seeking and never found in the general society but he did find it among his associates. So did Derek Chauvin in demonstrating how to be and what it was like to be a "policeman". He had the concept of what was "just" all wrong as did George Floyd.

I don't really care what anyone believes metaphysically or theologically but atheism is out the bottom.

FrankZeleniuk 8 Oct 17
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