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2310220500Su MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) IS THE ANSWER:

For the purpose of this post, I’d like to know the answer to just one question:

PRECISELY what are ‘domestic chores’ and what aren’t?

I ask this simple question because feminists will invariable complain that the always guilty male partner refuses to do his share of household chores?

  • Is lawn care a domestic chore?

  • Is gutter cleaning a domestic chore?

  • Are automobile maintenance and repair domestic chores?

  • Are miscellaneous home maintenance and repair domestic chores?

  • What about the mi raid of sundry tasks involved in providing a family home – are any of those
    domestic chores?

And after all the nagging to do more, the male responsibility to earn a living outside of the home isn’t considered domestic work either – or is it?

Gentlemen, in any situation where RESPONSIBILITY doesn’t come with the appropriate CONTROL slavery exists.

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is the answer to all feminist complaints about men – by discouraging committed relationships including contracts of indenture such as marriage.

This male feminist went straight to ‘domestic chores’ echoing feminist complaints. Therefore I’m going to link to his video about male laziness. However many many posts could easily be written about the Duluth Power and Control Wheel and its unbelievable number of female complaints – too many for one post by far.

The bottom line is that, absent committed relationships by men with women, MGTOW philosophy of life puts an end to all these female dissatisfaction(s) with men.

Is is known that the most violent relationships are between female lesbian partnerships. With the least violence between male homosexual partners. And heterosexual relationships occupying the middle ground.

I find it curious that even I can name at least two historically prominent feminists that although living in separate abodes from their financially supporting husbands never stopped complaining about men.

Gentlemen, you can’t live with them, but at present, society can’t exist without them either. Instead of a “help meet” for men GOD has inadvertently provided harpies to torment them. Women have been punished, for their disobedience, with birth pains and men with the constant nagging by those female harpies blaming men for, everything imaginal, including those birth pains.

PS. Gentlemen, if you don’t want to be an abuser, help the women out, consider MGTOW philosophy of life for yourself, but whatever you do don’t say “I Do” to anything.

Posted by: TheDuluthModel ~ 7 years ago ~ 293K views ~ 5.34K subscribers
“Power and Control Wheel - Understanding the Power and Control Wheel”

1914wizard 8 Oct 22
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To sum it up: stay away from negative people.

No matter what you do, negative people will define your character as negative, as they see through the lens of negativity.

If you go to work, how come you never home? If you stay home, how come you don't work?

Regardless of what you do or don't do, negative people will define you in a negative manner.

So cut them out of your life, remain distant from them, and surround yourself with positive people who will support your dreams and goals, instead of trying to tear you down.

Absolutely, thanks for the insight. 1914wizard OUT

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