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Why isn’t SIGHT READING a tool for brainwashing? Just think about it. SIGHT READING is creating a mental association between something and the visualization of a particular word. And for this visualization method of reading the age old tried but true method of WORD SOUNDING has been stricken from your childs education.

Simply associate the word “REPUBLICAN’ with EVIL and voila – what have you done?

Individuals are individuals NOT SYSTEMS! What is the purpose of socialist systems if not to create dependence within you and your children. What systems pioneered anything in human history? I’ll bet that you can’t name a single system that has created or discovered anything in the history of humankind? SYSTEMS DON”T FAIL PEOPLE; PEOPLE FAIL THEMSELVES!

Individualism is the BIG stumbling block for socialism – communist or otherwise!

Only when you can see others as individuals in their own right are your eyes open to the evil of socialism – communist or otherwise. If status and/or affluence could be eradicated from human conception there’d be no one wanting governments and other such systems of failure.

An apprentice can never be greater than their master just like the student can’t be greater than their teacher – as socialists would advocate.

Socialism only pretends to be against ‘HIERARCHIES,’ but just as soon as they (the communists) are in power the whole anti-hierarchy is immediately discarded. Where there not Soviet Generals in command of armies and air forces? Have you ever heard of a communist country without a ruling party and fearless leader of them?

Have you seen a ship without a captain lately or a train without an engineer and conductor. Is there not Police Officers out there on the roadways plotting to catch you speeding or some other infraction(s)? HIERARCHIES EXIST FOR A REASON – AND THEY’RE NOT GOING AWAY!

Even wild animals in the bush have ‘hierarchies’ that socialist contend should be abolished – hierarchies are natural!

PS1. On another note: I keep hearing the term “FAKE ELECTORS” when the term is a lie pure and simple. SUBSTITUTE (or alternate) ELECTORS have been common in American politics almost forever. We don’t call Substitute Teachers Fake Teachers do we? And yet socialist democrats want to falsely equate “SUBSTITUTE” & “ALTERNATE” with the word “FAKE” in their persecution of President Donald Trump! How can that be allowed to stand in a free society?

PS2. Another thing socialists {because communism advocate centralized power}can’t fathom is that the arbiter of elections are the individual state legislators. For President Trump to urge the Vice President to return electors to their states fore settlement of disputes is not only lawful it’s common sense. In which case Alternate Electors are in place ready for that determination.

PS3. The purpose of communism is to destroy these United States – what’s being challenged is our whole political system. There’s even movements afoot to abolish elections altogether in America. ASK YOURSELF WHO WANTS TO ABOLISH ELECTIONS – it’s not MAGA and President Trump is it?

Posted by: New Discourses ~ 11 montths ago ~ 33K views ~ 158K subscribers
“Paulo Freire's "Critical" Method of Education | James Lindsay”

1914wizard 8 Oct 25
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