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NOTE: Kanstantin Kisin is one of the most insightful influencer calling out in today’s realization desert. It does seem that to genuinely recognize the tyranny of socialism one needs to have experienced it first hand or at least closely like Kisin?

Socialism, just like any other authoritarianism, sincerely believes in the ‘malleability’ of humanity. They earnestly believe in human ‘control-ability’ rather than the free willed individualism. This is the obscure difference between those that reference themselves as socialist and all the other tyrannical authoritarians humanity has suffered throughout history. Socialism just hides behind a pretext of being liberal while other forms of tyranny outright expose themselves for what they are.

The great western intellectual Thomas Sowell expressed socialism as an “unconstrained vision” that could change the world – a global socialist world of compliant ‘malleable’ human beings. In short, without ‘Free will’ or ‘agency’ to be or do otherwise. Communism, and its unrestrained utopian fantasy is ALWAYS the end product of this “unconstrained” socialist “vision.”

The opposite of which would be the realistic “contrained vision” of human individual liberty, of human individual agency, held by conservatives.

Do you see your fellow human being, through a “contrained vision,” as an individual, each with an individual character as Martin Luther King did – rather than as just part of an intersectional group or identity as socialists do?

PS. This is likely why so many have trouble understanding MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) as it is a purely individualist philosophy of life rather than a movement or organization.

Posted by: Triggernometry ~ 12 days ago 675K views ~ 699K subscibers
“VIRAL SPEECH: The Day the Delusions Died by Konstantin Kisin”



  1. (of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking:

"a malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet"

Similar: pliable, ductile, plastic, pliant, soft, workable, shapable, moldable, tractile, tensile.

Opposite: hard.

▪ easily influenced; pliable:

"Anna was shaken enough to be malleable"

Similar: easily influenced, suggestible, susceptible, impressionable, amenable, cooperative, adaptable, compliant, pliable, tractable, accommodating, biddable, docile, obedient, complaisant, manageable, manipulable, persuadable, governable, influenceable, like putty in someone's hands.

Opposite: intractable.

Word Origin:

1914wizard 8 Nov 10
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