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China killing muslims, genocide, israel openly.killing muslims, kids and women.

Kibbutz are communiat settlements. Maybe nature is balancing itself out.

Both islam and communism have aspirations for global control.

Israel's latest war against Hamas - which Canada has listed as a terrorist entity since 2002 - began after Hamas militants murdered 1,200 people in Israel, including hundreds of civilians in agricultural collective communities known as kibbutzim, and took 240 others hostage.

FocusOn1 7 Nov 17
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Kibbutzim are indeed communes and they have their roots in communism, based on the Marxist ideology of "from each according to his ability; to each according to his need". From what I have been able to find on their origin, they were mostly started and promoted by Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe. The first one established in 1910.
Hamas are fundamentalist Muslims promoting Islam and death, not just to Jews but all "infidels". Zionists are fundamentalist Jews believing themselves the "chosen people" and Palestine their chosen land. Both factions are based in religious fundamentalism and the concept of their superiority of each over the other.
Today, the communists/globalists/socialists/atheists will let them battle it out. Them and the Ukraine/Russia conflict. All part of the depopulation program and convenient distractions from the UN/WEF agenda. That's my view of the situation.

Ashkenazi jews and Chinese communists created covid

@FocusOn1 Fauci funded gain of function research in Wuhan and had samples of the covid variant a year prior to it escaping form the Wuhan lab in China.

@FrankZeleniuk maybe he's communist

@FocusOn1 undoubtedly.

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