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The Fourth Amendment to our United States Constitution states clearly that it is “The right of the people to be secure in their persons,…...” Please notice where the comma is located immediately after the word ”...persons,” in this sentence. That comma wouldn’t be there if not to isolate the word “persons.” While it doesn’t take away from the other posessions a person might have A RIGHT to be secure in, it does emphasize it by isolation and differentiation by punctuation.

Would it help in understanding if you just abstractly visualize armed redcoats instead of blue uniforms – not that the colors they wear should actually matter. A gang is a gang no matter lofty they want to present themselves – I’m sure that armed highwaymen wore a multitude of different garb.

Somewhere along the way it became acceptable to justify anti-racists to be racist, and police officers to break laws in the furtherance of their represented objectives – NEITHER OF WHICH SHOULD BE TOLERATED! In short, we’ve become lost as to what is basically right and what is basically wrong – it’s that simple a tragedy.

I’m sure that someone will exclaim, but they’re police officers. To which I’d say that politicians and judges are government oficials, but we stll hold out hope of cleaning out their nests of corruption – why would police officers be exempt from prosecution. Or is it that you don’t think it possible to administer the government and uphold the law without breaking it in the process?

To those that a lot has been entrusted even more must be expected. Qualified Immunity is a stain on America just as bad as slavery that still haunts us.

PS1. In this instance, I have to ask why the officers didn’t, or couldn’t, ask the driver to step out of that automobile before they even approached. If the driver stays in the car police want to drag them out; but if the drive exits the car in full view the assumption is being regularly made that the driver is attacking the officers? A driver is damned if they satay and damned if they step out. It’s the police officers that’re ARMED GANG MEMBER pulling the driver over just like any ARMED highwayman would do.

PS2. Only in America can human bone structure be considered as “RESISTING.” Look at this “STOP RESISTING” mantra that they all use to justify assaulting citizens. Citizens that have already been judged, by our noble officers in blue, to be hardened criminals – FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON? WHERE IS THE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE TO BE FOUND HERE?

PS3. If owning a gun automatically subjects a citizen to police assault, well then we’re looking at this instance being a Second Amendment violation as well.

PS4. The only way to cull out bad police officers is to convict them of their crimes without any qualified immunity.

Posted by: Father in Exile ~ 1 day ago ~ 173K ~ 3.97K subscribers
“Immunity Eliminated! 😳 The Rock Wannabe Body Slams Unarmed & Compliant Motorist! Body-cam Footage!”


Fourth Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

1914wizard 8 Nov 22
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It's time to declare the Democrats' qualifications null and void.

sqeptiq Level 10 Nov 22, 2023

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