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In fact, at the risk of hurt feelings, ‘dichotomy’ thinking gives life and purpose into Marxist/Socialism.

Come to think of it, Marxism can’t exist outside of its limited revolutionary purpose bubble.

In fact, as Professor Peterson would say, the ‘dichotomy’ restriction on Marxism can only mean it’s a “low resolution” ideology. I’m not making this observation to demean anyone, but rather to try find the point out the best spot to drive a stake in the heart of this filthy beast.

Another spurious term being used to deceive and conceal Marxism is the word ‘spectrum’ – spurious only because of the general way it’s being used. In politics the use of a linear spectrum to describe and classify political positions is totally wrong. Whereas, a linear spectrum is most appropriate for describing a whole host of other things – things that exist at the two extremes of a ‘dichotomy’ once again. Just what a Marxist can sink their teeth into.

Politics is best described by perceiving of them as being on a circular scale rather than any either/or linear spectrum – especially a left right leaner spectrum.

What I’m saying is that a political linear spectrum is just another dichotomy Marxist trap for you to fall into. Better to visualize a circular scale with libertarianism at 000 digress and Marxist Socialism at 180 degrees. The point is that either way you go on that political scale, be it right or left, the more socialist you’re bound to become. That’s how you come to grips with the undeniable fact that BOTH Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were socialists. Their only real difference was that one was a Nationalist while the other was an Internationalist – that all. We may call one a Nazi Fascist and the other a Communist to distinguish them from one another – but they were both socialists.

The old idiom: When you lay down with dogs you’re likely to get up with fleas – is a very true statement. And the west lay down with Communist Socialism in order to defeat Fascist Socialism and now we have fleas – all manner of Communist fleas among us.

The West is scheduled for all manner of grief for not allowing our generals to continue their march past Germany right on into Moscow. Just like those fishing trawlers given to them were later used as electronic spy stations all over the world for many years later.

Marxist Socialism can’t abide individuality because it ruins their Marxist dichotomy world view if each person is an individual sovereign citizen whose right(s) are devie gifts from GOD rather than the state.


Interestingly, out of control policing is a symptom of Socialism taking hold of a society – just like happened in Nazi Germany. American’s see their police and even their military getting out of control right now. They tend to think defund them rather than how to weed them out some other way; but we shouldn’t be too critical of the left’s defunding campaigns as they just don’t realize they’ve push all of us onto a slippery slope of Socialism.

PS1. I apologies if your feeling are hurt because you can’t see the massive similarities between then and now – but defunding the police is not an answer to creeping Socialism n America!

PS2. Please feel free to correct any factual errors for yourself alone for which I thank you in advance.

Posted by: Dark Docs ~ 2 months ago ~ 224K views ~ 1.09M subscribers
“Why the Most Brutal Nazi Officers Got to Wear this Metal Plate”


  1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different:

"a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"

▪ repeated branching into two equal parts.

Word Origin:
late 16th century: via modern Latin from Greek dikhotomia, from dikho- ‘in two, apart’ + -tomia (see -tomy).

Powered by Oxford Languages



  1. a band of colors, as seen in a rainbow, produced by separation of the components of light by their different degrees of refraction according to wavelength.

▪ the entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

▪ an image or distribution of components of any electromagnetic radiation arranged in a progressive series according to wavelength.

▪ an image or distribution of components of sound, particles, etc., arranged according to such characteristics as frequency, charge, and energy.

  1. used to classify something, or suggest that it can be classified, in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points:

"the left or the right of the political spectrum"

▪ a wide range:

"self-help books are covering a broader and broader spectrum"

Word Origin:
early 17th century (in the sense ‘specter&rsquo😉: from Latin, literally ‘image, apparition’, from specere ‘to look’.

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Nov 29
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It's going to take tough measures to see off the Marxists!

sqeptiq Level 10 Nov 29, 2023

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