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That’s because it doesn’t recognize the sovereign individuality of each and ever citizen – even the unborn. But that’s just one of the many other faults of socialism.

Although this post could be about many things, it seems to me that possibly the first of concern right now would be just how to make America solvent again. After all 34 Trillion Dollars in debt doesn’t appear very solvent – does it?

This United States doesn’t need an army of armed IRS agents to squeeze money from its productive citizens under physical threat – does it? At least when much better, and less expensive, ways are available for supporting our federal government. I would like to postulate a federal sales tax to replace to be collected at point of purchase along with state sales taxes then forwarded on to a newly constituted federal revenue service that would replace the current IRS altogether.

While there are several advantages to such a program one of its best would be the elimination of a ridiculous bureaucratize machine that socialist only want to militarize.

Another advantage would be the truth of exactly how mush of an earned dollar is actually retained by the person who earns it. I mean, just look at all this unnecessary accounting by everyone is involved in this mess. I suppose some would call it a flat tax, and I suppose that it is as corporations would be forced to pay the same tax rate as every other citizen – NO LOOP HOLES!

As it is now, less and less of you earned money is finding its way into your pocket. And socialism knows only taxation & punishment for solving problems. To put it another way, socialism knows only the whip and never the carrot; while liberty requires only the carrot getting rid of the whit altogether.

Yes, it would be rough at the cash register, but look how grand it would be to see your paycheck free of payroll tax deductions. And, yes yes, Social Security will need reorganizing as well, but isn’t one thing at a time enough for now?

Posted by: Trish Regan ~ 5 hours ago ~ 4,834 views ~ 169K subscribers
“BREAKING: WATCH Joe and Hunter Biden's Shocking Reactions to Indictment”

1914wizard 8 Dec 8
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