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This American experiment in self rule is unique in history – it’s a singular event in human history.

France has tried several times to accomplish what America had even – at one point even gifting, out of admiration for the effort,, these United States the statue of Lady Liberty placing it at the entrance to New York harbor. The plaque with the notion thereon welcoming the ‘forlorn’ of the world to these shores was installed much later as no part if the gifted statue.

Now that we find ourselves invaded at the invitation of our globalist communist leaders we’re sliding into the Marxist dream of: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" lauded by Karl Marx (circa 1875) in his advocacy of socialist communism. Might I remind you that States were guaranteed a republican form of government and freedom from individual invasion(s). Not a socialist form of government nor a government with its doors held open for all the ‘forlorn’ of the world to stream in invading them. These are guarantees made to individual States as inducements for their commitment(s) to one Constitutional Republic. Now I ask you, is this what individual States have come to have under democrat party rule? You know that it isn’t because they’re socialist – worse still they’re communist socialists.

A nation where the productive labor to support the non-productive elite is right out of the playbook of the Confederacy. Put a different way, Communist socialism is slavery for the many and ruler-ship for the few elitists.

Something Congress could do, although I’m not sure if it isn’t too late, is the initiation of a nationwide federal sales tax to be collect at points of purchases along with State sales taxes, then forwarded on to the federal government AFTER THE ELIMINATION OF THE (IRS) INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. Letting the people accurately see how much tax they’re actually paying on their earned money. And yes, corporations would pay the same as the individual for the goods and services they need in their business. NO LOOPHOLES!

The SSA (Social Security Administration) would need to fall on the chopping block as well. Although the original idea of a national retirement plan PAID FOR BY THE WORKER was a lofty idea when it was introduced that way.

Donald Trump is hated by the left for no other reason than he’s anti-socialism – plane short and simple. Liberty doesn’t exist when part of the citizenry is forced to serve and support the other part of citizenry. THAT’S NOT EQUALITY --- IT’S SLAVERY!

Posted by: Rudy W. Giuliani ~ 4 hours ago ~ 4,923 views ~ 538K subscribers
“America's Mayor Live (E303): Repercussions of the Colorado Supreme Court's Anti-Democratic Ruling”




  1. pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely:
    "forlorn figures at bus stops"

Similar: unhappy, sad, miserable, sorrowful, dejected, despondent, disconsolate, wretched, abject, morose, regretful, broken-hearted, heartbroken, down, downcast, dispirited, downhearted, heavy-hearted, crestfallen, depressed, melancholy, blue, gloomy, glum, mournful, despairing, doleful, woebegone, woeful, tearful, long-faced, joyless, cheerless, out of sorts, pitiful, pitiable, heart-rending, piteous, pathetic, uncared-for.

Informal: down in the mouth, down in the dumps, fed up.

Rare: lachrymose, desolate, deserted, abandoned, forsaken, forgotten, neglected.

Opposite: happy.

  1. (of an aim or endeavor) unlikely to succeed or be fulfilled; hopeless:
    "a forlorn attempt to escape"

Similar: hopeless, with no chance of success, beyond hope, useless, futile, pointless, purposeless, vain, unavailing, nugatory, unsuccessful, failed.

Archaic: bootless.

Word Origin:
Old Englishforloren ‘depraved, morally abandoned’, past participle of forlēosan ‘lose’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch verliezen and German verlieren, and ultimately to for- and lose. forlorn (sense 1) dates from the 16th century.

Powered by Oxford Languages

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