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Or should I say our “ELITIST” “SUPERCILIOUS” “CASTE” SYSTEM – because that’s explicitly what today’s democrat party is.

Are we somehow socially compelled to refer to these “SUPERCILIOUS” democrat as “ELITIST(S)” rather than a “CASTE” simply to not hurt their sensitive feelings. After all, they do believe that words hurt as much as “Sticks & stones……..”

At any rate, it occurred to me that “CAST📧-ing” is deceptively more bigoted than racism. And yet it means the same as racism – just worse! Actual casting is simply attributing the characteristics of a person to all that one considers be of the same casting – or out of the same mold.

I’m just trying to figure out why no one seems to notice the extreme bigotry Tucker Carlson called out in this video FOR THE SUPERCILIOUS DEMOCRAT BIGOTRY THAT IT IS?

Nor is it noted that COMMUNISM is inherently bigoted and worse than racist.

Think about it? You can’t be trusted to elect Donald Trump because you’re inferior and therefore incapable correctly choosing what’s best for you and yours – better to leave that to more enlightened democrats, don’t you see?

Posted by: The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters ~ 1 month ago ~ 95K views
“The Tucker Carlson Synthesis”

CAN SOMETHING BE MORE RACIST than the belief that the color of the electorates’ skin will determine the way they vote? LIKE JOE BIDEN BELIEVES! A communist is a racist bigot – otherwise nothing they say for themselves could possibly make since.

PS1. The whole idea of the Replacement Theory is based on bigoted racism!!!!!
You have to be a racist bigot to believe that the Replacement Theory is good because it’ll change the way people think! IT IS RACISM!!!!

PS2. These communists are unbelievably racists – and completely blind to their own bigotry.

Communist Socialism IS BIGOTED FORCED COLONIZATION!! And these communist democrats can’t self-reflect and see what they actually are.



  1. each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status:

"members of the lower castes"

▪ the system of dividing society into hereditary classes:

"caste has survived among Goa's Christians"

▪ any class or group of people who inherit exclusive privileges or are perceived as socially distinct:
"those educated in private schools belong to a privileged caste"

▪ (in some social insects) a physically distinct individual with a particular function in the society:

"in both ants and termites the workers can include specialist castes such as soldiers"

Word Origin:
mid 16th century (in the general sense ‘race, breed&rsquo😉: from Spanish and Portuguese casta ‘lineage, race, breed’, feminine of casto ‘pure, unmixed’, from Latin castus ‘chaste’.

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  1. behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others:

"a supercilious lady's maid"

Word Origin:
early 16th century: from Latin superciliosus ‘haughty’, from supercilium ‘eyebrow’.

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Jan 17
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