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While it is true that ‘responsibility’ without ‘authority’ is in reality slavery; it’s conversely true that ‘authority’ without ‘responsibility’ is slave mastery.

The socialist democrat party has, for years now, slowly moved us inch by inch into a communist form of government – all by slow acclimation like frogs in slowly becoming accustomed to the boiling water they’re setting in.

With one breath these democrats, like Joe Biden, will say that socialism is about economics; then switch it back and forth to and from political depending which definition will benefit their subterfuge at the moment.

So are forced government regulation representatives ‘commisars’ or not? I would submit that government forced regulation representatives are in fact ‘commisar’ slave (or task) masters which makes you the slave – the socialist slave. Just ask, who has the authority and who has the responsibility – it’s plain to see where you stand with these communist democrats.

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) discourages marriage because it is nothing more or less than government regulated contractual control. MGTOW doesn’t discourage marriage out of misogyny (hatred of women); but rather out of concern for the well being of men – the only ones that the customary marriage vows ever apply to – AND THEN SOME!

Remember gentlemen, if you say “I Do” to marriage your home is no longer yours, your children will never be yours (except to pay her support for), and half of your earnings will be hers indefinitely. There are cases where men have become rich decades after divorce and feminist courts have still awarded them men’s earned wealth to women. Actually, men don’t even have to be married to be divorce raped. So it’s better to admonish men to not become bound by ‘committed relationships’ – knowing full well that feminists will contrive alternative ways to entrap you should you evade capture.

GENTLEMEN DO NOT allow any woman to become your “commisar” representative of the communist state by agreeing to any socialist contrivance.

PS1. All socialism is about control of others just like any other slave master.

PS2. Youtube allows deceptive publishers such as this, where 10 -15 minutes at the end has nothing to do with the represented video – and they can’t see that as dishonest because they’re socialist – aka communists. You’ll only have 28 minutes of purported news on this video – all the fault of Youtube socialists.

PS3. TAKE WARNING: Just because someone purports to be a Republican DOES NOT mean they’re not communists – aka RINOs. Be warned, females can and are communists too.


Socialist phony publisher ~ 7 hours ago ~ 113,829 views
America's Newsroom With Bill Hemmer & Dana Perino January 17, 2024



  1. an official of the Communist Party, especially in the former Soviet Union or present-day China, responsible for political education and organization:

"films that are passed by the political commissar"

▪ a head of a government department in the former Soviet Union before 1946.

▪ a strict or prescriptive figure of authority:

"our academic commissars"

Word Origin:
early 20th century (Russian Revolution): from Russian komissar, from French commissaire, from medieval Latin commissarius (see commissary).

Powered by Oxford Languages

Military political officer in Communist countries

Commissar (or sometimes Kommissar) is an English transliteration of the Russian (komissar), which means 'commissary'. In English, the transliteration commissar often refers specifically to the political commissars of Soviet and Eastern-bloc armies or to the people's commissars (effectively government ministers), while administrative officers are called commissaries. The Russian word комисса́р, fro... Wikipedia


1914wizard 8 Jan 17
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