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LINK Chicago-Area City Councilman Issues Challenge to His Affluent Liberal Constituents: Sign Up to Open Your Homes to Illegal Aliens

Naperville, Illinois – A Chicago-area City Councilman is making waves after challenging his wealthy liberal constituents to put their money where their mouths are and open up their homes to house illegal migrants.

As the Gateway Pundit has reported, the Biden regime’s border crisis, which they imposed upon Texas, has been spreading north. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been flying and busing illegals across the country to sanctuary cities, including Chicago.

The situation has become so dire that socialist Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has said the city is at a breaking point and is begging the Biden regime for help.

But Naperville Councilman Josh McBroom has a creative plan to ensure city taxpayers will not pay to house the illegal invaders. The Chicago Tribune reported that McBroom, during a city council meeting on January 16, said he wants wealthy families complaining about the crisis to host the invaders in their homes and plans to create a signup sheet.

The Chicago Tribune revealed McBroom’s proposal was supported by fellow councilmembers Nate Wilson, Paul Leong, and Jennifer Bruzan Taylor. The plan will now be vetted more carefully by staff before it is brought back to the council for discussion at a future meeting.

Should McBroom’s proposal be adopted by the entire city council, seeing how many constituents take advantage of this opportunity will be interesting. History shows that left-leaning individuals are all talk, no action.

sqeptiq 10 Jan 23
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