3 3

Once upon a time, Mexico invaded Texas. It wasn't a group of vigilantes.
It was the Mexican army, led by Santa Ana. They killed everyone at the
Alamo and at the Goliad.

Americans hustled from neighboring states to defend Texas. They had guns.
Modern Democrats don't want Americans to have guns. The Americans caught
Santa Ana and defeated him at the battle of San Jacinto.

President Polk decided to settle things once and for all. He conquered Mexico and
compelled Mexico to hand over Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, California,
and Oregon.

The San Jacinto Monument is taller than the Washington Monument, and the star at the top
is 100 tons. Don't mess with Texas.

The Constitution requires that the president defend states. The president refuses.
Texas is rebelling. Many other states are siding with Texas.

jaymaron 8 Jan 25
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Contributing states could really worry DC by sending militias. They cannot be overruled by Feds. And, that serves as a training exercise.


Arkansas will be very happy being a independent state in the Commonwealth of the Republic of Texas, and will gladly share our lithium wealth with the world ~ just one well out of 100,00 was declared to be productive & able to provide 10% of the future needs of the world ~ NOT TO MENTION all the rice that we produce and sell to the world, mostly to Japan....


Good point!

Arkansas is a floodplain that benefits from the Mississippi River. If you have it, use it. Otherwise it goes out the ocean. Arkansas uses it. Arkansas makes rice.

@jaymaron Yes we sell rice to Japan. Arkansas sells @ half of the total US production export. AND we grow specific varieties for Japan. This is done in a very small niche market area, we can sell & produce much much more AND varieties.


Things could get interesting quick. Reading comments from Governor Abbot he echos some of the grievances against the British crown in the Declaration of Independence. If the president doesn’t quickly move to defend the states (he won’t) the states will be forced to defy the federal government which may lead to a civil war or a split into another smaller country.

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