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In 2016, when President Trump was elected, how many democrats do you remember {virtually all of as I recall} that loudly proclaimed that Donald Trump was not their President?

And did we not go thru four years of constant accusations and investigations at the behest of those same democrats. Or have you already forgotten the Russia Hoax that the democrats subjected all of us to for four years?

Then there’s the repeated impeachments proceeding we were all subjected to that only led to multiple acquittals in the Senate.

SPECIAL NOTE: Barrack Obama did leave us with one profound statement that should never be forgotten: “ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.”

In spite of all democrat opposition President Trump gave us otherwise peaceful prosperity as his legacy.

Democrat zealots can’t see anything but ‘win at all costs’ as their goal.

Now these same democrats, opposing President Trump, once again are making up twisted contrivances with ‘win at all costs’ tactics – just like before.

To try and simplify: I heard a man on the street interview some time ago in which the citizen adamantly insisted that President Trump needs to pay for his crimes. BUT HE NEVER ARTICULATED WHAT CRIMES PRESIDENT TRUMP HAD COMMITTED. What is he actually guilty of? STEP BACK and ask yourself ‘what crimes is President Trump ACTUALLY guilty of? And I don’t mean loose accusations either.

Ask yourself: Does the word “fight” mean something different when Donald Trump says it than it does when democrats say that same word?

My point is that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” deprives its victim of “OBJECTIVITY” – like some sort of mind fog sets in. They ‘re no longer open to rationality – or reason. And I don’t say this is exclusive to the low intellect alone – otherwise intelligent people succumb to “Trump Derangement Syndrome as well.

Take this video that openly would have you believe that Democracy Is On Trial with this 2024 Presidential election. Now, I don’t disagree with Democracy being on trial – JUST NOT FOR THE REASONS DEMOCRATS ASSERT.

Democrats are socialist ideologues that have lost all OBJECTIVITY due to their extremist ‘win at all cost’ ‘partisanship’

PS1. All the MAGA (Make America Great Again) element says is: Show us OBJECTIVELY the crime of which you speak – loose accusations aren’t enough for OBJECTIVE people. Wasn’t four solid years of Russia Collusion bull shit enough for democrats to realize that something is amiss in the wood pile? ACCUSATION(S) WITHOUT PROOFS WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH FOR OBJECTIVE PEOPLE(S).

PS2. Having multiple political parties DOES NOT mean that one or the other of such parties is somehow not American. Yet that is precisely what Nancy Polosi did by setting up a single party WITCH-HUNT committee – THAT’S WHAT DEMOCRACY DOES NOT LOOK LIKE! It wasn’t enough that the American electorate had been subjected to four years of Russia Collusion propaganda day and night by these democrats. BUT ASK YOURSELF: WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE THE POINT OF POLOSI’S ACTIONS AFTER THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WAS OVER? It’s only guilty people that protest so much so as to cover up their misdeeds.

PS3. There’s much more involved here than a petty political spat – it’s a shift from (Classical) Liberalism to Socialism that the real bone of contention here! And in that vein REAL democracy (not the Socialist version of democracy) really is at stake.

PS4. Believe nothing from these Socialists that isn’t corroborated by actual evidence – or just admit that you now live in a Communist country. The real insurrectionists are Socialists in what was a free country. No sane person willingly agrees to be a Socialist – contracts and agreements have to be subverted in order to trap people in Socialism. In this case, our United States Constitution has got to be subverted by democrats to entrap you.

PS5. This political propaganda video was produced at your expense -- YOU ARE NOW BEING SUBJUGATED TO SOCIALISM! It’s free UNACCOUNTABLE election contribution(s) that democrats have contrived at your expense. This is just one more way that Socialists steal – they’ve got a million of them!

Posted by: FRONTLINE PBS | Official ~ 2 days ago ~ 932,572 views
“Democracy on Trial (full documentary) | FRONTLINE”



  1. (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts:
    "historians try to be objective and impartial"

Similar: impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, nonpartisan, disinterested, nondiscriminatory, neutral, uninvolved, even-handed, equitable, fair, fair-minded, just, open-minded, dispassionate, detached, impersonal, unemotional, clinical.

Opposite: biased, partial, prejudiced.

▪ not dependent on the mind for existence; actual:
"a matter of objective fact"

Similar: factual, actual, real, empirical, verifiable, existing, manifest.

Opposite: subjective.

  1. relating to or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns used as the object of a transitive verb or a preposition.


  1. a thing aimed at or sought; a goal:

"the system has achieved its objective"

  1. the objective case.

  2. the lens in a telescope or microscope nearest to the object observed:
    "examine with high power objective"

Word Origin:
early 17th century: from medieval Latin objectivus, from objectum (see object).

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Feb 2
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