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2402060300Tu MASCULINITY IS (productive) CREATIVITY:

Throughout history a great deal of such creativity has been accomplished in solitude – which led me to consider the word ‘hermit.’.

Perhaps you know of any gender specificity attached to the word ‘hermit’ – of which I’m no aware? I can’t see as there’s any significance either way – I just noticed that I’ve never heard the word applied to a female.

Today there seems to be an inordinate interest in men’s productivity instead of their well-being -- how much can be extracted from them by both women and society, as it were.

To the contrast, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) individualist philosophy of life has only the has the well-being of men as its purpose.

Society managed Marriage contract binds men to a lifetime of labor – none of the the fruit of which inures to them in reality.

In times past there was at least an inferred commitment by women that they’d birth a man’s children thereby providing him heirs to reap benefit of his toil.
Now that there are no longer benefit to man in marriage; but great harm instead – MGTOW discourages marriage or any other form of committed situation that serve only to rob man of his efforts.

A female is born with birthing value; a man is born with only the prospect of creating value to his life. It is this prospect of creative value that society thru women seeks to rob him of. As harsh as it sounds, leave a man alone in solitude and hell create a life for himself, leave a woman alone and she’ll become a ward of the state. And yes there are always exception to the rule.

Posted by: Kirsten Dirksen ~ 7 months ago ~ 2.8M views ~ 1.89M subs.
“Land was barren. He dug 10-acre underground village & orchard”

PS. Gentlemen consider MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) philosophy of life for yourself.



  1. a person living in solitude as a religious discipline.

▪ any person living in solitude or seeking to do so.

  1. a hummingbird found in the shady lower layers of tropical forests, foraging along a regular route.

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French hermite, from late Latin eremita, from Greek erēmitēs, from erēmos ‘solitary’.

Powered by Oxford Languages



A hermit, also known as an eremite (adjectival form: hermitic or eremitic) or solitary, is a person who lives in seclusion. Eremitism plays a role in a variety of religions.

The word hermit comes from the Latin ĕrēmīta,[5] the latinisation of the Greek ἐρημίτης (erēmitēs), "of the desert",[6] which in turn comes from ἔρημος (erēmos),[7] signifying "desert", "uninhabited", hence "desert-dweller"; adjective: "eremitic

1914wizard 8 Feb 6
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