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This video is about undoubtedly one of the worst ideas ever, but it does illustrate my point perfectly – so please bear with me.

Taxes, or at least most taxes, are the result of self-centered political interests.

The answer to virtually everything to these evil people is to increase taxes here there and everywhere without ever eliminating any other burden from you the taxpayer to compensate.

Ask a politician for answer the odds are very good that increased taxes will be at the core of their solution(s). This when the answer to almost any problem has nothing at all to do with more taxes.

Think, think my friend, land-lord licensing is just another tax burden that actually accomplishes nothing other than put more of your money in the control pockets of politicians.

Now I ask you, don’t you think that those taxed land-lords are simply going to pass the cost of their license on to you the housing consumer just like all businesses do? Why, they’d have to be mentally deranged not to.

Just like corporate taxes are just passed along to you the consumer. Passing taxes on to consumers is just part of doing business in any society be they socialist or capitalist.

What’s that old music line: “I owe my soul to the company store”? Well it’s the same financial manipulation with taxes – be they hidden by licensing fees or corporate costs of doing business etc.

This is how you can be convinced that you live in a capitalist society when it is in reality socialist all along.

The only honest taxing method are sales taxes. That way you know precisely how much taxes you’re paying right there at the point of sale. But even sales taxes can’t defeat pass-along taxation – that’s just a part of normal business. Although it would undoubtedly be a shocking transition to abruptly switch to a sales tax only program, at least you’d begin to realize approximately how taxes you actually work to pay right there at point of sale. And I’m sure it would be astronomical – no doubt.

Licensing fees are just another way to tax your hard earned money – just like toll road fees are.

Think how crafty it is of politicians to have slaves supervise and manage themselves – then turn around and thank the massa politicians for their service.

This isn’t some sorta de-fund anything post -- except the IRS. Americans have a debt of some 34 Trillion dollars and need a reasonable way to pay that debt down. Right now the Military Industrial Complex and the Elite & Mainstream Media Complex is feeding off the bones of our country.

And may I ask, just who appointed America world cop, Or is that appointment like the phony illegal appointment of Jack Smith as Special Prosecutor? Funny, but I don’t remember a vote by Congress to appoint either – do you?

America is like a dog chasing its own tail as if the cold war arms race hadn’t ended years ago. I bet the Military Industrial Complex loves our stupidity?

PS. This video may be about Canada today, but tomorrow it’ll be our turn.

Posted by: Canadian Real Estate Clips ~ 7 hours ago ~ 160 views 2.05K subs
“Landlord Licenses #realestate #canada #podcast #toronto #vancouver



  1. directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible:
    "people whose religious beliefs are antithetical to mine"

  2. connected with, containing, or using the rhetorical device of antithesis:
    "when praising the government, Pyrocles invokes the familiar oxymoronic and antithetical mode"

Word Origin:
late 16th century (in antithetical (sense 2)): from Greek antithetikos, from antithetos ‘placed in opposition’, from antitithenai ‘set against’.

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1914wizard 8 Feb 7
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