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The truth shall set you free. Ive heard this statement used to justify accountability and self judgment or sacrificing yourself, but what does it really mean?

The Jews used to sacrifice a lamb or cast their sins of the tribe on a goat and send it in the wilderness. It seems absurd to us today that killing an animal frees you from.the consequences of violating the law (sin).

How does obeying Jesus's command to forgive free you?

Forgiveness opens your eyes to the deception that is "law."

The only unforgivable sin is to judge your neighbor, judge and ye shall be judged.

The only time judgment is allowed is when you judge someone who is judgemental. Even God won't forgive someone who judges. Only the King can judge others, and the King won't judge those who forgive.

So what does the truth shall set you free mean? It opens your eyes that there is no sin. Sin is a deception.

Once you understand that sin is deception, which God opens your eyes when you forgive, that the apple was eaten from deception, there is no sin.

So how does the truth set you free from sin?

Those blinded by the law conflate legal with moral.

It is immoral to sell lemonade.

It is immoral to not come to a full stop at a stop sign.

Libertarians have a keen insight into the deception that is law.

FocusOn1 7 Feb 18
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Give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's. Morality only exists at the individual level, groups do not have agency and by extension can't be moral or immoral. That makes the law amoral. The bit of folk wisdom that you can't legislate morality is a good thought exercise. You can coerce people to act responsibly with the threat of fines or imprisonment, but that will not make them moral actors. The function of the law in a functional society is to prevent chaos not to impose morality. Another bit of folk wisdom comes to mind. We don't hang horse thieves to stop them stealing horses we hang them to stop other people from stealing horses. In some ways the libertarian perspective is just common sense. It breaks down in more complex situation that require a top down management style. A more complex bottom up system applies there. It is called hierarchies of competence. Complex chaotic systems such as societies rely on competence starting at the bottom of the social order. The primary competence there is morality. As you go up the hierarchies that morality is carried forward. It relieves a society of the necessity of most government resources being diverted to enforcing responsibility. More folk wisdom applies. Those that require the least governance are governed best. Of course people do not always get the government they deserve. On the other hand they will always get the government they deserve if they are irresponsible. I don't take libertarian philosophy too serious. I do take Christian philosophy seriously.

wolfhnd Level 8 Feb 20, 2024

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