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Considering such things as capitalism & meritocracy as toxic would be an accurate description of the above title. Or should I simply pose the question: Are you living your life as a pawn?

Inevitably a socialist will, falsely or not, accuse you of precisely what they themselves are guilty of – or soon will be. Usually of being manipulative and controlling which is exactly what they and their APA (American Psychological Association) are doing with their Guidelines for Men And Boys – is it not?

And the term ‘toxic masculinity’ is but one of the socialist ways of deflecting discovery of their own duplicity – in regard to the above. Or perhaps someone would like to refute the observation that the term ‘toxic masculinity’ is a derogatory term applied exclusively to men just like all racism, and now all sexism, is?

This “Culture War” is best described in reality as a war by (collective) Socialism against (individual) Liberty.

PS1. MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) individualist philosophy of life, in addition to opposing marriage commitments, opposes domination of anyone including themselves. And most definitely opposed to classic gender roles.

PS2. In an ongoing attempt to delineate what MGTOW is and isn’t, one has to at some point ask what makes any of these people think that male initiative(s) and/or accomplishment(s) are owed in any way to women or society?

Posted by: The Prim Reaper ~ 5 months ago ~ 2K views ~ 10.5K subs
“APA Guideline 3: Clients Aren't Your Pawns!!”


ACHTUNG {attention! : watch out!}: I would take exception to the feminist definition of the word’ patriarchy – in addition to Dr. Peterson’s as well. After careful consideration, I would posit that the more accurate meaning of the word ‘patriarchy’ is ‘male free will.’ Although it’s difficult to see how destruction of my understanding wouldn’t result in their understanding(s) inevitably coming to fruition as well.

1914wizard 8 Mar 1
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