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It is to be remembered that (feminist) Socialism always, yes always, levels down rather than up. It is beyond a socialist’s comprehension that a rising tide lifts all boats equally because they can only see big boats as opposed to little boats. A socialist’s version of equality would be a tide that only lifted the little boats and discounted the big ones.

The only human equality would be among-st single same sex, race, intellect etc.

Males and females of any species aren’t equal because they’re not the exact same. An ideal world for a socialist would a very bland cookie cutter world filled with identical ‘automatons’ all void of individual free will.

Absent the above the only socialist equality is to be found in death – being equally dead one and all. Which happens to be the very definition of ‘nihilism.’ But I apparently stray.

Posted by: San Antonio Behavioral Healthcare Hospital
1 year ago ~ 964 views ~ 68 subscribers
“What makes a person self-destructive?”

What this post is intended to be about is the observation that ‘self-deprecation’ and degradation of ones own existence is the first step in enemy brainwashing.

Feminism is a socialist movement that intentionally degrades the male of the human species. To what end is the all important question deliberately not being asked?

After all these thousands of years, for feminism to be the defining judge as to what males humans should, or shouldn’t be, flies against nature itself along with all other species included therein.

Or put another way, everything a male human wishes to do, or not do, must be first authorized by the female of the species. This in spite of such male acquiescence not being the standard for all the other species in nature.

This same tactic of degradation is also being employed in all aspects of western civilization. What is “white guilt” with nothing to actually be guilty of if not the same socialist brainwashing herein above cited. Ask yourself sincerely if you truly believe that the 1619 project warrants any real consideration. Then there’s males can birth babies and have periods. Along with females have penises. How far afield of reality does this Socialist brainwashing campaign have to go before society wakes up?

PS1. Consider, whether you believe that masculinity is a social construction as feminists contend; but feminism is the gold standard cure for normalcy – feminist normalcy? In other words, all of nature must be wrong in order for feminism to be right – how can that be?

PS2. For masculinity to be a social construction, so to must homosexuality be a curable social construction as well. To believe that masculinity is nothing more than social construction that means that lesbians are now curable as well – does it not?

Posted by: Shawn T. Smith ~ 5 years ago ~ 34K views ~ 19.2K subs
“APA’s War on Masculinity”



  1. modesty about or criticism of oneself:
    "an artist with a penchant for wry self-deprecation"

Powered by Oxford Languages


Act of devaluating one's self-worth

Self-deprecation is the act of reprimanding oneself by belittling, undervaluing, disparaging oneself, or being excessively modest. It can be used as a way to make complaints, express modesty, invoke optimal reactions or add humour. It may also be used as a way for individuals to appear more likable and agreeable.



  1. a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being:
    "a collection of 19th century French automata: acrobats, clowns, and musicians"

▪ a machine that performs a function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions, especially one capable of a range of programmed responses to different circumstances:
"sophisticated automatons continue to run factory assembly lines"

▪ used in similes and comparisons to refer to a person who seems to act in a mechanical or unemotional way:
"she went about her preparations like an automaton"

Word Origin:
early 17th century: via Latin from Greek, neuter of automatos ‘acting of itself’, from autos ‘self’.

Powered by Oxford Languages

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