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MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way):

Feminists and blue pill-ers both seek what they can get from man – they have come to inappropriately expect male altruism.

Just take note of the entitlement they display with terms concerning what they think they deserve or are entitled to.

Is a weak frail male any less a ‘man’ than a strong brawny male? And who gets to decide which is what – is it feminists or society? And doesn’t strength of character play a role in deciding who is the manly man?

Is not the physically weak young man forced into the trenches of the great war just as manly as any other male anywhere else?

I’ve seen just such frail young men tormented in the military through no fault of their own. What I’m getting to is criticism of the ‘dystopian’ belief that a frail young man is somehow expendable for the sake of any woman.

Or isn’t it apparent that male disposability creates its own ‘dystopia’ in the here and now?

In the alternative, would it not be appropriate to disclose this mythical self sacrificing (altruist) contract that men in general are somehow bound by to the world?

It is a horrible thing to see what a frail man is subjected to only because of his sex and nothing else. I must wonder just how much abuse of the gay community is in reality attributable to physical sex rather than sexual proclivity?

PS. Please feel free to correct any errors you discern – thanks in advance.

Posted by: Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW
7 years ago ~ 30K views ~ 17.5K subscribers
“Man Up!”


  1. the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space:

"they would regard the question of the initial conditions for the universe as belonging to the realm of metaphysics or religion"

▪ abstract theory with no basis in reality:

"the very subject of milk pricing involves one in a wonderland of accounting practice and a metaphysics all its own"

Word Origin:
mid 16th century: representing medieval Latin metaphysica (neuter plural), based on Greek ta meta ta phusika ‘the things after the Physics’, referring to the sequence of Aristotle's works: the title came to denote the branch of study treated in the books, later interpreted as meaning ‘the science of things transcending what is physical or natural’.

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  1. relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice:

"the dystopian future of a society bereft of reason"


  1. a person who imagines or foresees a state or society where there is great suffering or injustice:

"a lot of things those dystopians feared did not come true"

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