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LINK Germany: Pakistani family blamed the far right for torching their house. A few candlelit vigils later, the truth has come out—the family burned their own house for insurance money

A home belonging to a family of Pakistani migrants was set ablaze in the German town of Wächtersbach on Christmas Day 2023.

Phantasmal right-wingers were immediately blamed for the arson. The family members, meanwhile, were depicted as victims of so-called Islamophobia and xenophobia.

This narrative, agreeable to European leftists and the liberal media, recently went up in smoke.

Andreas Weiher, the town's leftist mayor, said, "If the suspicion of a xenophobic crime is confirmed, it would of course be a catastrophe."

The Wächtersbach Foreigners Advisory Board reportedly stated, "We are deeply shocked that such an inhumane, possibly racially motivated arson attack was carried out on a family with children."

The state security agency swiftly launched an investigation into the possibility that right-wing extremism may have been responsible for the fire.

Vigils and demonstrations were held in the days that followed, both in solidarity with the family and in opposition to the supposed racists believed responsible.

Banners that read, "Right-wing terror threatens our society," were carried down German streets.

Leftist politicians eagerly embraced the narrative, giving impassioned speeches and firing off angry missives — suggesting the arson was politically motivated and possibly executed by neo-Nazis.

The German newspaper Bild recently reported that the homeowner, 47, has been arrested along with his wife, 33, his 18-year-old son, his brother-in law, 34, and another Pakistani migrant, 55, who allegedly gave the family a false alibi.

According to the German paper Junge Freiheit, the family has been slapped with various charges including joint serious arson, feigning a crime, attempted insurance fraud in a particularly serious case, and serious fraud.

The father and brother-in-law, both Pakistani nationals, are accused of burning down the building using an accelerant. The son is said to have both reported the damage to the insurance company at his father's behest and attended an inspection of the aftermath with insurance agents. The mother is said to have been altogether complicit in the scheme.

The 55-year-old Pakistani national said to have given the family a false alibi has reportedly been charged with "attempted obstruction of justice."

The Hanau public prosecutor's office indicated that the arson served to net the family a six-figure insurance settlement. Additionally, the prosecutors office noted that ahead of the house burning, the owner's wife sold off various household items in an apparent effort to maximize their return on the scheme.

The Alternative for Germany in Hesse, the local chapter of the country's increasingly popular right-wing party, said in a statement obtained by Rebel News, "For our political competitors, the house fire was obviously a welcome opportunity to inflict hatred and agitation on our party and our voters. Almost reflexively, the SPD, the Left and the Greens classified this crime as politically motivated."

sqeptiq 10 Mar 26
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