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LINK UCLA Med School Students Forced to Pray to ‘Mama Earth,’ Scream ‘Free Palestine’

The Washington Free Beacon reported Tuesday that young people who have the misfortune of entering medical school at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) are required to take a course in “structural racism.” Will getting their heads filled with divisive race victimhood propaganda help them heal the sick and comfort the afflicted? Will recognizing that any unfortunate white students among them bear the stain of the original sins of slavery and racism and thus must always take a back seat to “brown” students help them become more responsible, more caring, and more careful physicians?

The answers to these questions are obvious, but it’s just as obvious that the top priority of UCLA med schools is not training the doctors of the future but programming the obedient bots of the future. The collectivist, socialist, internationalist imperative that animates the left leads it to hate Israel, a state based upon ethnic and religious particularity, and so in their mandatory “structural racism” course, it was no surprise that a guest speaker praised Hamas’ brutal and bloody massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, as “justice,” and demanded that students join her in screaming the left’s latest favored mantra, “Free Palestine.”

That was not, unfortunately, even close to all. The speaker in question was Lisa "Tiny" Gray-Garcia, or rather, “tiny (lisa) gray-garcia,” as she calls herself on her website, which goes on to identify her as “aka ‘PovertySkola,’” and is a “formerly unhoused, incarcerated, revolutionary journalist, lecturer, poet, visionary, teacher and single mama of Tiburcio, daughter of a houseless, disabled mama Dee, and the co-founder of POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE/PoorNewsNetwork.” All Gray-Garcia has to do now is start calling herself a man and throw in some verbiage of how she is a “person of color,” and she will have ticked all of the left’s present-day boxes.

At UCLA, the “formerly unhoused, incarcerated, revolutionary journalist, lecturer, poet, visionary, teacher and single mama of Tiburcio” started the class by “leading students in what she described as a ‘non-secular prayer’ to ‘the ancestors,’ instructing everyone to get on their knees and touch the floor—'mama earth,’ as she described it—with their fists.” She told the students: "Mama earth was never meant to be bought, sold, pimped, or played."

Gee, that’s inspirational as hell, but wait just a minute here. UCLA is a public university. Should it be featuring prayer in classrooms? Once again, the answer is obvious: the idea of driving prayer from public institutions was to drive out Christian prayer. Prayers to “the ancestors” for “mama earth” fit right in with the left’s climate hysteria, and so they’re just fine.

The Free Beacon notes that “at least half of the assembled students complied.” Well, sure. They want to become doctors, don’t they? If getting to practice medicine no longer involves actually learning how to practice medicine but just a few prayers to “mama earth,” well, then, some students will be all too ready to shout “All hail, Gaia!” And what fine doctors they will eventually be!

sqeptiq 10 Apr 4
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