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2404051300F SIMP-ING?

The truth is that I had the idea that the word ‘simp’ was merely a variation of the word simpleton. But as it turns out ‘simp’ is indeed a legitimate word although it does seem to mean pretty much what I thought it was a derivative from to start with.

So then why is it that people want it banned in that it apparently is a legitimately recognized word? Is it because it’s truthful – is truth the new criteria for our cancel culture? I mean, after all, “foolish is as foolish does” as Forrest Gump said?

But that’s all too superficial.

Society is in serious trouble, as women are so thirsty for male validation they’ll actually come soliciting it from you. Only to find their sisters coming out of the woodwork to police such conversations. Whether or not I’m wording this understandably, the fact is that women now think it their duty to monitor and police interactions between the sexes for some reason – feminism I suppose? Or could it be jealousy?

Most, if not all, men have been raised to encourage and make women feel good about themselves – it’s a natural male response. A natural response that needs to be broken, but not by feminism.

Simp-ing is so natural to male humans as to largely go unnoticed by them. Now I do pretty good at not at succumbing to chivalrous things with the one exception of their solicitous self deprecation which tend to trick me before I’m ever aware.

Even strip-clubs & pornography are simp solicitations (a cry) for male validation(s). So it’s going to be a hard job cutting women loose completely from the male validation(s) they’ve so generously privileged themselves of throughout human history. Can it really be done after all these many centuries?

I noticed of late that Youtube, which has been thought of as manosphere content in the past, is being flooded with lesbian stories of sexual exploits. And I have to ask myself, why its that permissible for women but forbidden for men?

Along with the lesbian flood on Youtube there’s another wave of trans-sexual nonsense to go with it.

Perhaps Youtube is trying to become a female feminist bastion by driving out male content as they’ve done in the past?

Although it might sound foolish coming at this late date, I would contend that the mythical patriarch that feminists want destroyed is in reality nothing more that “male free will”! To see why I posit this you’ll have to step far out into the field away from the thick forest – then take an objective look back.

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is nothing more that an individualist philosophy of free will – of self sovereignty as it were.

PS1. Women are addicted to male validation(s); and men have indoctrinated to provide that validation(s) to them.

PS2. Women have always held the key(s) to intimacy; but now they’re intent on stealing the key(s) of relationship and commitment(s) from men. Feminist theories have always been nothing but lies.

Posted by: Thinking-Ape ~ 2 months ago ~ 40K views ~ 107K subs
“The Simp Industrial Complex”



  1. a silly or foolish person.
    informal North American

Word Origin:
early 20th century: abbreviation of simpleton.

Powered by Oxford Languages

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