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In orher words, a communist atheist "jew"

Zelensky is a Russian-speaking secular Jew from the eastern Ukrainian industrial city Kryvy Rih, a region with a relatively low level of religiosity. As far as I can see from open sources, he grew up in a secular family. He does not demonstrate any sort of religious adherence in public or appeal to God in any of his speeches.

FocusOn1 7 May 5
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It would solve a lot of problems if we would just stop calling people who do not observe Judaisn Jews. Force secular Jews to explain why they hang on to a culture that would have executed them during Biblical times. I'm not arguing that there isn't a Jewish culture outside of Judaism. Everyone has an ethnic heritage if they realize it or not. I just don't think that an ethnic heritage is the way people should define themselves or each other.

Communists are bad enough, but not they say it's anti Semitic to call a communist a communist even if he is one, because he's ethnically "jewish".

If I say karl marx, the founder of communism, who had both jewish parents, is a communist, is that antisemitic?


If I say mao zedong is a communist, is that anti chinese?

Clarify this shit for me, it's maddeningly confusing


I really don't know what the appeal of communism is to "intellectuals". Maybe it has to do with never coming in contact with any form of physical productivity. The necessities of life require a lot of skill and hard work to produce.

@wolfhnd living off taxpayers and never actually working and don't want to work


Yes the difference between a grant and a gift is you general respect the gift giver.

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