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One of the greatest un-sung boy bands in history was: The Moody Blues.

Male children are born without inherent value unlike females children are. Which leads us to precisely what the ‘ignobled’ Patriarchy myth actually is?

Professor Peterson described it (the patriarchy) representative of this modern civilization that post-modernists and feminism want to destroy – but why?

Are they that build privileged, or is it those that make use of what those builders built the privileged among us? Many an aircraft worker never has the opportunity to fly. Just like many home builders will never make use of the homes they build.

Feminism is an ‘ignoble’ misandrous communist hate movement that begrudges the productive their enjoyment of their labors fruit(s) – just all socialism does.

If patriarchy is anything at all, it’s an effort by parents to alleviate some of the disparity male children are born into. One need only (if you can stomach it} read the first two paragraphs of “Pride & Prejudice” by Jane Austen to realize the disparity between male and female humans.

The first two paragraphs of “Pride & Prejudice:”

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.”


Were women actually owned as chattel and men owned as beasts of burden – or was, and is, only the later true?

PS. As a little boy, I still remember our parents loading us up for a visit to a neighbor family so they could play cards and socialize. Immediately upon arrival, the girl children this family had would break out the soda bottle for a lengthy bout of spin-the-bottle. You remember, that game where the loser always had to forfeit a kiss to the winner. Girl children start very young honing their attribute(s) in life. But still, it was better than playing family – which they were more than willing to play as an alternative to spin-the-bottle.

Posted by: BrunoSamppa ~ 3 years ago ~ 88K views ~ 14.8K subscribers
“The Moody Blues - Full Concert - French TV Special 1968 (Remastered)”



  1. not honorable in character or purpose:

"ignoble feelings of intense jealousy"

  1. of humble origin or social status.

Word Origin:
late Middle English (in ignoble (sense 2)): from French, or from Latin ignobilis, from in- ‘not’ + gnobilis, older form of nobilis ‘noble’.

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