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2403222000F JUDGMENT?

Since there was no aggrieved (injured) party, I wanted to check and see if “judgment” was the correct word for the exorbitant ‘fine’ being imposed on President Trump by the New York kangaroo court. And before you chastise me, it’s impossible to overlook this judge having made his decision before the case was even heard – along his stating in open court that he wasn’t there to hear from President Trump. The last time I looked a President elected by the whole country is considerably more honorable than some New York political ideologue judge.

When President Trump is re-elected this time he needs to not try to work with the existing swamp rats – just drain the swamp so they won’t have a place to fester – ALONG WITH FINISH THAT WALL!

Posted by: OfficialACLJ: 4 hours ago ~ 38,615 views ~ 380K subs
“BREAKING: Letitia James Filing to Erase Trump in New York”

PS. And incorporate in Florida – and get away for communist New York.


  1. the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions:
    "an error of judgment"

Similar: discernment, acumen, shrewdness, astuteness, common sense, good sense, sense, perception, perspicacity, percipience, penetration, acuity, discrimination, wisdom, wit, native wit, judiciousness, prudence, sagacity, understanding, intelligence, awareness, canniness, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, cleverness, powers of reasoning, reason, logic.

Informal: nous, savvy, know-how, horse sense, gumption, grey matter, common, smarts.

Rare: sapience, arguteness.

▪ an opinion or conclusion:
"they make subjective judgments about children's skills"

▪ a decision of a law court or judge:
"county court judgments against individuals in debt"

Similar: verdict, decision, adjudication, ruling, pronouncement, decree, finding, conclusion, determination, sentence.

  1. a misfortune or calamity viewed as a divine punishment:
    "the events of last week are a judgment on us for our sinful ways"

Similar: punishment, retribution, penalty, just deserts.

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French jugement, from juger ‘to judge’.

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Mar 22
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