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2403031500Su LIBERTY!

When the elite ruling class wish to rationalize their duplicitous artifices perpetrated upon the American citizenry, I’m forced to muse if it isn’t because of a long standing practice of misguided protectionism?

Once started down a slippery slope how does one expect other than continuation?

Sightings of UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) permeates the entire history of humankind – recorded as they’ve been.

My question is: Does their past repression now represent an excuse for today’s slippery slope of censorship(s)? Censorship for the misguided protection of our public – is it censorship for the public good as it were?

And precisely who decides what’s necessarily concealed for the public good in a self-ruling society? I don’t recall an elite class being appointed to discern what information is proper, and/or not proper, for public consumption in America.

Are UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) the progenitor of our current censorship dilemma?

Regardless of anyone’s personal conclusion(s), those conclusion(s) are their right to have. Liberty means that every person has an individual right to be racist, no-racist, misogynist or not, misandrous or not, even communist or anti-communist, believe in little green people or not – that’s what liberty is. And the United States Government has zero right to force conformity, of any kind, upon any of its citizens. Liberty only requires that neither you nor government impose their views on others.

PS1. Liberty literally mean of both mind and body – and no one gets to say otherwise. A free people aren’t protected from reality, nor forced to accept anything that’s not a reality.

PS2. Please feel free to correct any errors that you may discern – thanks in advance.

Posted by: Kabootar Bazi In Pakistan ~ 8 hours ago ~ 12,518 views ~ 121K subs
“Tucker Carlson 3/3/24 | Tucker Carlson March 3, 2024”


  1. deceitfulness; double-dealing:
    "he was accused of duplicity and branded a traitor"

  2. doubleness.


Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Old French duplicite or late Latin duplicitas, from Latin duplic- ‘twofold’ (see duplex).

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  1. clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others:
    "the style is not free from the artifices of the period"

Similar: trickery, deviousness, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating, duplicity, guile, cunning, artfulness, wiliness, craft, craftiness, evasion, slyness, chicanery, intrigue, subterfuge, strategy, bluff, pretense, fraud, fraudulence, sophistry, sharp practice.

Informal: monkey business, funny business, hanky-panky, jiggery-pokery, every trick in the book, device, trick, stratagem, ploy, tactic, ruse, scheme, move, maneuver, contrivance, machination, expedient, wile, dodge, swindle, hoax, fraud, confidence trick,

Informal: con, con trick, setup, game, scam, sting, flimflam, wheeze, bunco, grift, lurk, rort, schlenter,

Informal, dated: flanker.

Archaic: shift, fetch, rig.

Word Origin
late Middle English (in the sense ‘workmanship&rsquo😉: from Old French, from Latin artificium, based on ars, art- ‘art’ + facere ‘make’.

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1914wizard 8 Mar 3
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