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Abbott may have his shortcomings but he’s done more than any other actual border state governor on helping stem illegal immigration and the fentanyl crisis

Texas troopers nabbed 370,000 illegal immigrants in border mission: 'Pivotal role'

State troopers deployed to the Mexico border apprehended 370,000 immigrants who illegally entered the United States and would have otherwise disappeared into the interior.

Under Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R-TX) two-year-old Operation Lone Star initiative to boost police and military presence near the border, Texas Department of Public Safety officers and statewide partners have interdicted hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants across more than 100 counties since Spring 2021.

“The Texas Department of Public Safety has helped to arrest more than 27,000 criminals, apprehend more than 370,000 people who came into our county illegally, and seize enough fentanyl that would be enough to kill every man, woman, and child in the entire United States of America,” Abbott said during a speech at a DPS graduation ceremony in Austin on Friday.


Garsco 8 May 6

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We need another forty or more just like him.


Abbott is an American hero doing honor to the heritage of the Alamo. He is standing up for what is right with most of the rest of America corrupted around him.

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