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Is political bias in media/youtube centrally coordinated or emergent from each outlet trying to maximize views/clicks? If it is centrally coordinated, who or what are the organizations setting the agenda or narrative? With the latest round of Conservative purges by social media, what options are there to push back against false narratives or undesirable policies?

Admin 8 June 15
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Excellent presentation of google's history of pushing its preferred political candidates by controlling search results. It needs to be stopped.

I'm not sure I would go as conspiratorial as centrally coordinated. If they are, the DNC is holding the strings. I tend to go along with the idea that they are pack animals with similar mind sets to the point that they orient the same way and see conservatives, Christians, and anyone right of Stalin as the enemy. They even attack liberals that stray from the plantation.

SeanT Level 5 June 20, 2019

Good points against the monopoly of the tec giants


They're fellow travellers. And they're very good at parroting each other. No room for independent thought there, they deal severely with those who step off the reservation.


Not necessarily centrally planned but it is a case of group think on a massive scale. Let's admit though that the educational system has been sowing this mindset amingst the people for decades now.
So called schools of journalism have been hotbeds of Fascist ideology as have the law schools. The whole idea of a living Constitution that serves the needs, Socialist ideology, sounds good and now conveniently rules the Democratic party and the judicial system.
It is all a confluence of reinforcing think processes that over time have eroded the intellectual processes of society.
Oddly enough winning the Cold War may have actually been a loss. We no longer talk in terms of a free world that is at war with an oppressive world of dictators and ideologies. Even though this divide still exists. Islam being a prime example of an oppressive ideology that battles what should be the free West.

Chicago Level 8 June 16, 2019

Excellent topic.

I don't believe it's centrally coordinated or emergent from each outlet trying to maximize views/clicks. If they were actually trying to maximize views/clicks, they'd give users what they want to see.

Rather, I believe it's a result of the left dominating the universities and the public school system before they get to university. So it's an indoctrination that takes place, not because of some coordinated conspiracy, but simply because there is only one world view in the majority of academia.

On top of it, most of these tech giants are located in areas heavily populated by leftist thinking, so heavily populated that people on the right, and even those in the center, are afraid of speaking up. Even posing a question that indicates you doubt the dogma or have a simple desire for factual evidence to support it can result in black balling and even job loss. This leaves those making the decisions ignorant. They are truly in a thought bubble, one in which their world view is never challenged, and one which they are completely convinced is superior with every fiber of their being.

It's why Google can have a position they title "Design Ethicist" that they, quite mistakenly, think is ethical when it's anything but.

As far as options or what is to be done about the problem; in my view, we have to fix it at the source. We have to start with lower education on up. Critical thinkers who are not ideologically possessed need to "take back" education, if you will. I believe/hope Dr. Jordan Peterson has some ideas and plans for how that might be done.

Also, parents need to become much more involved in what their kids are learning. If parents aren't even aware that their kids are being taught revisionist history and/or ideological dogma, they don't speak up, and they NEED to be speaking up, speaking loudly, and demanding changes.

On the tech front, again Dr. Jordan Peterson is taking action with the new ThinkSpot platform set to debut in August. No easy task. We'll see how it fairs in this David and Goliath situation. Goodness knows, the giants need some competition.

This was pretty sobering.

@Christian31 Wow, thank you for sharing that. I knew it was bad, but wow. I had to take a minute to pick my jaw up off the floor. About all I can say is that we, as a nation, are in very, very big trouble if the current administration doesn't get a handle on this VERY quickly. If power shifts to the left, the right may never get it back and I believe we have a serious and very real chance of losing the Land of the Free rather quickly if we end up with single party control in this country. Nothing good ever comes from single party domination.


Hitler had the right method but the wrong idea.

How so?

@Admin In response to the last question of the post, there are many ways to push back just for the sake of doing so. I was imagining real results though. An individual political leader that possesses enough charisma to charm his or her own nation, and has complete control over it's military(if it's a formidable one), may could take the tyrannical path to achieve what you're 3rd question was seeminly asking (if I am to assume you are looking for more than passive pushback)...
Otherwise, we might as well be talking about how to manipulate gravity, because the political spectrum is just not going to change on the monumental level I humbly assume that you want...LET me be clear, I am NOT for a world wide war and the mass genocide of liberals..I was just stating that bizzarly, and sadly that may be the only way a quick and guaranteed change could happen...Final note: I'm not claiming anything I've said here is's just an open and opinionated observation of worst case scenario...Any force stronger than it's opposition always seems to be the victor in every situation of life.


I think the indoctrination from the cultural marxists for the last 30 old years has paid off. These institutions (tech, media, hollywood, academia) are populated with persons whose worldview precludes them from recognizing their own bias and truely believe the old centre on the political spectrum is bigotry. They believe the West is fumdemenally evil and must be re made and thus western people and their kind need to be brought down a peg or two from their assumptions there are aspects of their culture that is superior to more babaric alternatives.

This means their actions often seem to be in unison and maybe at times they are but they are all marching toward the same pipedream a godless utopia that will never come into reality due to man's fallen nature.

So is there no way to counter it?

@Admin heard of "the great flood"?
well heres what happend prior..


@Admin my opinion is America will be the last real bastion of freedom. Hillary Clinton would have continued down the regressive path Europe is on but the American people voted in a President who understands the fight isnt just political but also cultural. This is why they attack him unceasingly. They also attack the social media persons fighting this fight. They are merciless because to them the stakes are so high, the goal so lofty justifying any means. I think these alternative platforms need to be cultivated.


It would not surprise me to find it is a case of a “mutual admiration” situation.

From JC Superstar; “...keep them yelling their devotion, but add a touch of hate at Rome, and we will rise to a GREATER Power ...”

Who “created” Occupy Wall Street? AntiFa? any one of dozens of Leftist Cheerleading Squads? Who prints and distributes those commercially produced signs? Maybe if you drill down deep enough you might find a “Hard Core” of propagandists but ... mostly I think it’s more a case of “Monkey See, Monkey Do” with “Corporate Cheerleaders” thrown in to ... inspire.

What options for “push back”?
The only one I can think of is to make mockery of them, respond with logic laden sarcasm, make them look and sound stupid, childish. (Slap the snot out of them while smiling agreeably)

FREE College and Health Care!!! Good for EVERYONE!!!
(BEST for Illegals ... they’re simply BETTER)
brought to you by California & New York

They say and post and push incredibly stupid material .... and LOTS of it ...
Take the idiotic stuff that AOC, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Schiff ... and the entire cabal of numbnuts ... take the Most Idiotic Stuff, make a sarcastic, patronizing, joke out of it and Paint It In Letters TEN FEET HIGH ... use Their Own Platforms (keep it factual and fully attributed) ... will a Leftist Site pull down something attributed to one of their “darlings”?

who creates Memes which take a complicated situation, and simplifying it in a way which intentionally bends the reality through the eyes of those with a fetish for the domination over their own emotions, bdsm inflicted on their minds


Circle jerk world view.
Don’t break the chain, I’m almost there ..........!!!!!

Stevie Nicks is a witch who dabbles in the dark arts !


The bias creates a political dilemma which is now being subject to legislation discussion and restrictions. These obligations will create a difficulty to new entrants and competition, which in turn enable the main players to become monopolies. The bias serves to realize this outcome.


They would not censor if they wanted to maximize clicks. Every viewpoint represents a market niche.

The techies running these platforms were educated in leftist universities. They consume leftist news and entertainment The people around them echo their views. Leftism is their bubble. They administer their platforms assuming their bubble's worldview is normality. I think they are actually shocked that there are divergent viewpoints.

exactly. Not to forget the occasional power figure who buddies up with those in charge of certain media outlet, and tell them how good they look on t.v. before convincing them that Alex Jones is against gay frogs, because, well... said power figure has a thing for "Billy" frogs.

It is difficult to not assume there is coordination between the MSNBC, CNN, and the ABCs when they almost repeat exact negative phrases about President Trump. Capitalism made the USA the most productive and powerful nation that other nations depend on for food, defense, and you name it. It is just not the media, anyone can say the USA is bad by cherry picking and blame conservatives as being cruel and the cause of all that is wrong ---and the Left leaning universities, media, celebrities do their best to indoctrinate young minds through the bully pulpit of authority. Human nature beats facts almost every time, and that is why nations fall and wars continue. Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Mussolini, Castro, Mugabe, Idi Amin, Kim Jong-Il, Lenin did not come to power without the use of the media, and they remained in power with the help of taking over the media.


False dichotomy. Both 'culture' and leadership share the same worldview, for most of these companies. Part of that worldview is that opinions with which they disagree are in some way evil...not just wrong or misguided.


When is the documentary coming out?

You mean this one? It came out a few months ago... []

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