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Under the FOIA (that sounds great till you going look for information) laws, legislation, rulings, etc. That may or may not have been passed. Can't not be acessed by the public for 5 years after the fact. To me this is with extreme intent and porpuse to hide information from the public for reason of with of, hidden agenda, so hidden agenda/intent can be set in place. We together with our moral obligation to self and society are the only ones who can change this.

Gerri4321 7 May 26
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Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisI am not able to use P. M. WHY? As G e r r i 4321 my p. M. Were blocked why?

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by Gerri4321Wondering where is the secret place on earth that has been hidden for centuries that our NWO RULERS WILL ENJOY after depletion of the population and enslaving the rest?

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