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Islam is a Theocracy, a Theocratic Government,
a Mosque is a Government Instillation,
Built illegally if under the guise of Religion alone.
Any Religious Teacher & Leader is a Theocractic Government Official, a mosque leader is like the mayor, the head guy in Mecca that’s their president,

It has a religion it is not a religion. Religion is looking for the prize after this ride not world domination, that’s Government.
This is a totalitarian regime, isis, tallyband boko are their special forces.
Islam is a Theocratic Government,
it is not a Religion, It has a Religion.
Muslims can NOT hold a political position in any other Government except Islam, identifying as a Muslim solidifies allegiance to the Theocratic Government of Islam.

#Shitilaws are mandatory for every Muslim and non-muslim, this fact
is proven by the death sentence handed down to Pamela Geller a American citizen a non-muslim for a cartoon contest.

Word play is at play and has been,
What’s radical to you or I is not radical to a person who supports Shari law

Sharia law is extreme, to us, not to them.
Moderate Muslims add to the count they are just as culpable.

They do not care who you are or where your from.
In fact anyone can be killed by these people if they believe #Shitilaws law has been violated.

Ladies, if your husband converts, all he has to do is go to the mosque, tell the leaders that you cheat on him and by Saturday afternoon you will be stoned to death in a hole and then burned to ash, covered in a unmarked grave in the middle of no where, How’s your husband is wearing off and the sunset with your Toddlers never knowing you ever existed.

this is very dangerous.
We’re doing ourselves a disservice as long as we call this a religion, people are going to continue to think it's not a evil,.

This is epic, Wolves in sheep's clothing.
In order for a Muslim to get into Paradise they must help advance Islam by Jihading, the only way in Paradise is to Jihad,
think about that for a minute xz here's a contrast,
to get into heaven you have to do good things to get into Paradise you have to do bad things.

This is a Virtual World War lll &
We are Late to the Dance Ladies and Gentlemen

Question everything as your rights to question anything are at stake.

They do not care how we are censored as long as we are censored, they’ll sort it out later.


ElysiumRivers 5 Dec 4
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Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisI am not able to use P. M. WHY? As G e r r i 4321 my p. M. Were blocked why?

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by Gerri4321Wondering where is the secret place on earth that has been hidden for centuries that our NWO RULERS WILL ENJOY after depletion of the population and enslaving the rest?

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