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Human Scarcity IV
by Joe Kelley

Capital Flight begins preproduction, following through the production process, and ends with post-production.

The Rat Race to the bottom of humanity, a snapshot, a picture worth a thousand words, indicates the flight of capital as each unit flows from the authors of Purchase Orders to those WHO JUST follow Purchase Orders for a few units more for their own self-interest spending spree.

If only I play the game, will I have food and shelter from the storm that I FUND, personally.

Nothing personal, just following orders.

From the first Purchase Order at the preproduction stage of inhumanity, to those Purchase Orders being written as I type, the authors set in motion the production of Treasonous Fraud Parasitic Predation, the only game in town, repackaging tribalism, repackaging organized crime, repackaging Empire, repackaging Colonialism, repackaging Nation-State Legal Fiction under new packages during the production process of setting in motion more volumes of rapidly accelerating expansions of fraud to keep secret the whole truth that would otherwise alert the victims of treason, affording those victims their vital defenses, to ward off their pending injuries during the next post-production period in between the Rise and Fall of Empires.

The tickets are cheap, but the prices are going up.

Invest now, the time is right, the future is bright, the new Empire Rises in the East, keep the capital flight going, there is no time to waste, the Empire in the West is being dumped, those LEFT with the empty bag will be called late to dinner, feasting upon the innocent.

Pogrom is in the air.

I love the smell of Empire, in the mourning, it reeks of innocent blood.

Complete Transcript of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Conspiracy Trial
November 15 to December 8, 1999

“America has never been able to deal with the issue of slavery, never been able to deal with the issue of the oppression of women, never been able to deal with the issue of the notion that even today many huge business people have mainly that a lot of people ought to work and not make living wages.”

“The movement was aimed at reversing that. King's motto was, the SCLC motto, it was not civil rights, it was redeem the soul of America. That was our motto. So you see right away that that is much larger than getting a hamburger at a lunch counter.”
Reverend Jim Lawson

Abigail Adams to John Adams Braintree, Mass., March 31, 1776
"I have sometimes been ready to think that the passion for liberty cannot be equally strong in the breasts of those who have been accustomed to deprive their fellow creatures of theirs. Of this I am certain that it is not founded upon that generous and Christian principle of doing to others as we would that others should do unto us. . . . "

John Adams to James Sullivan Philadelphia, May 26, 1776
"Depend upon it, sir, it is dangerous to open so fruitful a source of controversy and altercation, as would be opened by attempting to alter the qualifications of voters. There will be no end of it. New claims will arise. Women will demand a vote. Lads from 12 to 21 will think their rights not enough attended to, and every man, who has not a farthing, will demand an equal voice with any other in all acts of state. It tends to confound and destroy all distinctions, and prostrate all ranks, to one common level."

Satan’s song?

My Nation tis of thee, sweet land of debt slavery, for thee is sing.

Pay your dues, pay tribute, and heed the voices from your Dog Sam.

On the 1st of April, 1775
"On this occasion, the importation of slaves was expressly prohibited."

The country known collectively as America began forming into independent individual republics sharing the self-interest of independence from an operating Tribe of Criminals that had formed from a common lust for innocent blood with liberal deployments of Purchase Orders authorizing a glut of fraudulent products to pollute the whole truth and nothing but the truth, disarming the innocent before the programmed pogrom, paving the way for the next production of rioting in the blood of the innocent, as those whose self-interest is to satiate their lust for innocent blood drink liberally from what is LEFT of humanity.

After the flood.

Please sir, can I have some more fraud?

Bring out your dead, your corpses, your programmed sheep, your soulless inhuman predator drones, programmed with artificial intelligence, just following blindingly stupid and servile orders, forgive them as they do not know their true fate, not yet, lead them into slaughter, it is time for a blood bath.

And then we the people can Build Back Better with full bellies filled with innocent blood taken from all those other persons who were led to their inhuman end.

Omnicide, oh Omnicide, where for art thou Omnicide.

My saber is rattling off the hooks, let them eat cake and drive electric cars!

Garrison's Constitution
The Covenant with Death and How It Was Made
By Paul Finkelman, 2000
“The abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison thought the U.S. Constitution was the result of a terrible bargain between freedom and slavery. Calling the Constitution a "covenant with death" and "an agreement with Hell," he refused to participate in American electoral politics because to do so meant supporting "the pro-slavery, war sanctioning Constitution of the United States." Instead, under the slogan "No Union with Slaveholders," the Garrisonians repeatedly argued for a dissolution of the Union.

“Part of Garrison's opposition to continuing the Union stemmed from a desire to avoid the corruption that came from participating in a government created by the proslavery Constitution. But this position was also at least theoretically pragmatic. The Garrisonians were convinced that the legal protection of slavery in the Constitution made political activity futile, while support for the Constitution merely strengthened the stranglehold slavery had on America. In 1845 Wendell Phillips pointed out that in the years since the adoption of the Constitution, Americans had witnessed "the slaves trebling in numbers—slaveholders monopolizing the offices and dictating the policy of the Government-prostituting the strength and influence of the Nation to the support of slavery here and elsewhere—trampling on the rights of the free States, and making the courts of the country their tools." Phillips argued that this experience proved "that it is impossible for free and slave States to unite on any terms, without all becoming partners in the guilt and responsible for the sin of slavery."

But Joe, you know, we must pay them to protect US from them. They know, they have the wisdom, the determination, the sound judgment, and the moral high ground, with their Witch Courts as they Hunt for Witches to burn at the stake after confessing under torture.

Joe, you know, why, why, why don’t you know?

Just pay them, and everything will be all right, just ask them to be nice, or beg them for mercy if you really feel like finding the remedy demanded by your mortal soul.


How dare you!

The Greater Good demands Civil War, so then, and only then, after the feast, can we the people Build Back Better with our full bellies filled with other persons' innocent blood!

Get back in line, you will find no mercy here, this is Witch Court, there are no common laws given generously in the sanctuary of the whole truth here, not here.

Did I hear one of those sheep bleat?

Where are my paid informants?

“This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery, and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

“Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

“For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth-to know the worst and to provide for it. I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House?”
Pat the Rat Smeller Henry facing the criminal British Nationalists from the East.

Before the flood, and then after.

"A number of characters, of the greatest eminence in this country, object to this government for its consolidating tendency. This is not imaginary. It is a formidable reality. If consolidation proves to be as mischievous to this country as it has been to other countries, what will the poor inhabitants of this country do? This government will operate like an ambuscade. It will destroy the state governments, and swallow the liberties of the people, without giving previous notice. If gentlemen are willing to run the hazard, let them run it; but I shall
exculpate myself by my opposition and monitory warnings within these walls. But then comes paper money. We are at peace on this subject. Though this is a thing which that mighty federal Convention had no business with, yet I acknowledge that paper money would be the bane of this country. I detest it. Nothing can justify a people in resorting to it but extreme necessity. It is at rest, however, in this commonwealth. It is no longer solicited or advocated."
Patrick Henry, Monday, June 9, 1788

Damn Henry, you didn’t hear the Sirens Singing the Central Banking Fraud tune?

Chalk that one up to human error and omissions.

What is the price for willfully ignoring the foundations of all moral law, the whole truth?

Yes, yes, yes, and when the whole truth is poisoned with the glut of counterfeit purchase orders, it will be too late for the kidnap victims, they will then work to increase the supply of fraud.

Game over.

Check, mate, can I have the check, the feast is over, time to Build Back Better. Other persons to defraud, it costs so much to defraud other persons. Other persons to bribe, again, is very costly. Other persons to extort, a predator drone is very expensive. And the dungeons that must be built again, we the people can’t be torturing other persons out in the open air where the whole truth shines, don’t you know.

Forgive them, they could have known.

A suspect suspected of a serious crime, any suspect, especially those claiming immunity from prosecution, is discovered by the evidence authorized by the author of the evidence traced back to the suspect. The defender merely follows the fraudulent money back to the source of it. The whole truth warrants a trial by jury in a court of law before the next victim falls. That works principally on micro and macro scales. Too Big To Fail is a confession of guilt as the criminal issuing that fraudulent money is giving to the victims fair warning of the impending pogrom, the feasting of innocent blood is announced in advance.

Not only could you have known, here is the time stamp on the evidence that you were told in advance.

How often does a simple case of fraud, bribery, extortion, rape, torture, or murder involve The Lone Gunman, The Active Shooter, The Serial Killer, sending out invitations to their next victims, complete with a confession before the fact, inviting the victim to enjoy the privilege of having their innocent blood spent on feeding the lust for it?

Caveat Emptor

Josf-Kelley 8 Oct 3
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Posted by Josf-KelleyWanted for Treason That is all for lack of intelligence and moral conscience.

Posted by Josf-KelleyBorrowed from another IDW post is the pictured meme.

Posted by Josf-KelleyReal Reality A few people have purchased the exclusive power to add zeros to their Bank account balance, and they accomplish this feat by borrowing their spending from anyone who can produce ...

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Posted by HeresiarchIt's taken us years to rehabilitate the soil on our Better Than Organic farmlet.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThat is a complex process viewed simplistically in two directions that appear, in simple form, to be opposites.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThe level of brainwashing or mind control, or spirit control, or body control, or behavior control is demonstrably on a sub-conscious level and it runs very deep.

Posted by HeresiarchHow do you sacrifice children?

Posted by HeresiarchHow's that Police State workin' out for y'all?

Posted by Josf-KelleyFrom a source:

Posted by Josf-KelleyTrump says Pence can reject criminal votes.

Posted by Josf-KelleyFrom another IDW post: Roadmap to re-inauguration:

Posted by Josf-KelleyAt a Pennsylvania State Hearing, widespread voter and election fraud is reported by witness testimony.

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