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Next up are 2 items that work like puzzle pieces in the effort to assemble an accurate picture of the facts that matter in the case against counterfeit government: Involuntary Association (a.k.a. organized crime under the color of law).

First on the list is a report from someone with first-hand experience as President of The United States of America while it was a Voluntary Mutual Defense Association also known as a Federation of independent States under the common laws of free people in a precious, perishable, liberty.

The purpose of this quote is to establish a fault in the way people employed the Articles of Confederation. It is an error, common enough error, to blame the thing for the actions of people, such as "my dog Sam told me to kill those people," or "the gun murdered those people," or "I was just following orders," and "the government is guilty of murder." It is true that actual law power requires the effort to find the facts, acknowledge the facts, and lawfully determine the facts according to a process agreed to by those assembled as volunteers working cooperatively towards Rule of Law, which is the effective defense of the innocent from the guilty, to demonstrate that crime does not pay, and this works to deter crime before it is hatched in the minds of potential criminals.

The fault found in the employment of the Articles of Confederation is the failure by the people in government to keep criminals out of government, and if this does not explain something important, than perhaps a few words can help explain this vital importance. If any organization of any kind, any size, any place, at any time fails to keep the criminals out of the organization, then as a cancer works on a human body, so will the criminals work on the body politic. Each crime left undefended by criminals in government emboldens people in government to turn to crime themselves, because it pays well. It is a standard principle in law, a maxim if you will, that failure to do ones duty while in office is a crime: misprision at least, if not treason.

“18 U.S. Code § 4.Misprision of felony
“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

If only we as a people were taught these facts that matter in our counterfeit government schools, one might think of the possibilities. If the people claiming to be the government can't even keep the criminals out of their own government, then by what force of reason can anyone expect those people to keep criminals out of your house, out of your bank account, or out of your lucrative (lawful) business?

On to Richard Henry Lee, the 6th President of The United States of America, a soul erased from history by criminals in counterfeit government.

"A general opinion must pervade the community, that the house, the body to impeach them for misconduct, is disinterested, and ever watchful for the public good; and that the judges who shall try impeachments, will not feel a shadow of biass. Under such circumstances, men will not dare transgress, who, not deterred by such accusers and judges, would repeatedly misbehave. We have already suffered many and extensive evils, owing to the defects of the confederation, in not providing against the misconduct of public officers. When we expect the law to be punctually executed, not one man in ten thousand will disobey it: it is the probable chance of escaping punishment that induces men to transgress. It is one important mean to make the government just and honest, rigidly and constantly to hold, before the eyes of those who execute it, punishment, and dismission from office, for misconduct. These are principles no candid man, who has just ideas of the essential features of a free government, will controvert. They are, to be sure, at this period, called visionary, speculative and anti-governmental—but in the true stile of courtiers, selfish politicians, and flatterers of despotism—discerning republican men of both parties see their value. They are said to be of no value, by empty boasting advocates for the constitution, who, by their weakness and conduct, in fact, injure its cause much more than most of its opponents. From their high sounding promises, men are led to expect a defence of it, and to have their doubts removed. When a number of long pieces appear, they, instead of the defence, &c. they expected, see nothing but a parade of names—volumes written without ever coming to the point—cases quoted between which and ours there is not the least similitude—and partial extracts made from histories and governments, merely to serve a purpose. Some of them, like the true admirers of royal and senatorial robes, would fain prove, that nations who have thought like freemen and philosophers about government, and endeavoured to be free, have often been the most miserable: if a single riot, in the course of five hundred years happened in a free country, if a salary, or the interest of a public or private debt was not paid at the moment, they seem to lay more stress upon these truffles (for truffles they are in a free and happy country) than upon the oppressions of despotic government for ages together."

"We have already suffered many and extensive evils, owing to the defects of the confederation, in not providing against the misconduct of public officers."

If there was a cause to amend the federal agreement (Articles of Confederation), one could reason out the absolute necessity of keeping the criminals out of government. If people in power cannot, or will not, police their own house, who in their right mind believes that those people (aiding and abetting criminals in government) can protect and serve anyone outside of their house?

Next up is a quote from a group that has uncovered evidence proving the case that the criminals took over in 1789. I found this group at least a decade after I had already proven the case to myself uncontroversially. In that decade between my own discoveries of the facts that matter in that case and finding these people doing similar work, I had found no one willing or able to dispute the facts, and up until I found this group there were few and far between other people independently arriving at the same clear conviction, certainly no one doing this much homework and publishing that work for all to see. I will post the link, and a quote from the report offered in the link.


"It is VERY important to note the following:
(1) Congress authorizes the Convention to suggest alterations to the law form of the federal government by making changes to the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, to which after being agreed to by Congress, would ONLY THEN be passed onto the states for their approval
(2) Congress did NOT authorize the Convention to devise a NEW form of government to replace the existing form of government."

"June 20, 1787 Rather than revise the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, Delegates at the Convention agree to create a new government. The delegates have violated federal law based on the February 21, 1787 resolution with the task of this Convention “. . . for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation (emphasis added). . .” The Delegates also resolve to call the new government the "United States" and NOT “The United States of America” as is the style of the Confederation as specified in Article 1 of the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union. This is clearly seditious and treasonous actions of identity theft by these traitorous delegates at the Federal Convention."

I have done some homework on my own, at my own cost, perhaps a significant amount of homework, perhaps even at a dear cost. The people posting the information at the web site linked have also done their independent homework. This is the work required to discover, and acknowledge, the actual law power, which must be done before the law power works for our defense. If the power exerted is founded on lies, then it is not lawful; another maxim.

Richard Henry Lee:
"It is one important mean to make the government just and honest, rigidly and constantly to hold, before the eyes of those who execute it, punishment, and dismission from office, for misconduct."

Josf-Kelley 8 Dec 24
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