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Are you a White Supreme Pedophobe?

How long before we get called White Supremists for opposing Pedophilia?

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GilBatesLovesU 6 Oct 27
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Funny how the Aryan Brotherhood goes after convicted child molesters more than any other gang. Seems like for now they are using the "No U" argument. But it seems like pro pedo shit seems to be a libertarian thing. You have left libertarians(pedophiles) and right libertarians(pedophiles). They can't find common ground on economics, but their twisted fetish is the tie that binds.


lmao i sure hope not


That is an obvious false choice, none of the above.

Those who I talk to about Subsidized Slavery (we pay to make criminals rich) fall into two general categories with few (few that I know of) exceptions to the rule:

A. Those who ignore what I say, and do not respond for fear of giving legs to defensive actions against their con game.

B. Those who agree with the facts that matter in the case, and then stop responding.

I think you may have commented on the wrong post?



I did not.

"Pedophilia" is currently a multi-million dollar INDUSTRY by accounts that are offered by the victims.

The criminals - as a rule - do not publicize the number of victims they have victimized for their pleasure or profit.

Perhaps you are grinding a specific ax, so do tell.

@Josf-Kelley This is a post about how they're trying to normalize pedo shit in the media.


An absurd small minority of people reading from the same false script has been called many names, including a current name Mass Media.


You can read from the same script as you please, help cover up for the criminals as you please, whatever pleases you.

"The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls “the sexual liberation discourse”, which has existed since the 1970s. “There are a lot of people,” she says, “who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we’re wrong about paedophilia.”


You say potato, they say potato.

Your small minority of people are someone else's "lot of people."

As parents we were lax in ensuring that our children were not exposed to "normalization" of child abuse. Our children are grown, some people say good people, despite the efforts in school to "normalize" child abuse, and from what I hear, that effort has gotten much worse, meaning the effort in Public School to "normalize" child abuse.


Schools are teaching students, pedophilia is a ‘sexual orientation’

If that is true, it seems clear to me that the goal will be very difficult to achieve, to "normalize" child abuse. When someone in the right mind walks in on child abuse, does one join the abuser?


Because you say so (and I suppose your meaning is such that everyone believes what you say because you say it) it is what it is.

Other people have a view that does not line up with your view.

"How public schools groom kids for sexual predators like Epstein and Maxwell"

"Glen Beck and Jaco Booyens discussing CA new law SB145 and Comprehensive Sexual Education is absolutely related by design to normalize he sexualization of children, lower the age of consent and classify pedophilia as a sexual orientation.
This is the alarm we have been sounding and now we are hearing it from a man who fights sex trafficking on a global level."

"“Advocates for sexual liberation are using graphic sex education lessons to indoctrinate children, Rebecca Friedrichs, who was in the classroom for 28 years and now heads the nonprofit For Kids & Country, told The Kyle Olson Show."

Are you trying to groom me?


The thing about anyone attempting to groom someone else is such that the target must be naive, innocent, or in some way vulnerable.

The sources offered are stand alone messages that do not require your twist in order for those messages to make sense.

"Leading this despicable charge are unions posing as teachers and the deceptively named Healthy Teen Network, a coalition of over 180 sexual and reproductive-health justice organizations, including the CDC, Planned Parenthood and SIECUS whose motto is “Sex Ed for social change.”

"During COVID-19 shutdowns, as good teachers scrambled to deliver virtual reading and math instruction, the coalition slipped pornographic material into teacher resources and encouraged educators to give students access. The materials appear so child-friendly, many teachers provide access to abuse without knowing it.

"Among other scandalous lessons, kids can obtain “5 Tips for Your Sexual Health During COVID 19” written by “expert” Ella Dorval Hall, a 2018 college graduate with a degree in environmental studies. Her tips encourage our kids to engage in sexting, solo sex (masturbation), pornography, self-dating and communications with online sex experts. Her lessons on how to masturbate provide “extra tips” for those with a clitoris.

"Dorval Hall assures your daughters that sexting makes women four times more likely to feel “empowered” and “confident,” and then provides links, including 54 sexting ideas that are so X-Rated I cannot print them here. She asks our kids “Interested in watching porn?” and leads them to social media sex experts who instruct them in the use of sex toys and give them tips for “dirty talk” and sexual consent.

"So while you’re trying to protect your children from online perverts and predators like Epstein, those labeled “experts” by government-run public schools give the predators access."

That is what one source publicizes.

Your spin:
"None of those sources show school teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation."

That tactic is diversion. The connection made to "normalizing pedophilia" is offered in that link just quoted.
Your spin is to ignore that message and divert attention to an opposing opinion as if the message reported no longer exists and in place is the only existing information.

The article exists, I quoted it, it makes the connection between teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation, and it can be read, studied, cause for concern, cause for further investigation, and possibly an agreeable result as your spun version of the message, the data, the information, the references, the quotes, in the publicized publication titled: "How public schools groom kids for sexual predators like Epstein and Maxwell"

The example:
"How public schools groom kids for sexual predators like Epstein and Maxwell"

Your spin:
"None of those sources show school teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation."

The example:

"So while you’re trying to protect your children from online perverts and predators like Epstein, those labeled “experts” by government-run public schools give the predators access."

Your spin:
"None of those sources show school teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation."

Moving on to reference 2 (and there are many more):

"Glen Beck and Jaco Booyens discussing CA new law SB145 and Comprehensive Sexual Education is absolutely related by design to normalize he sexualization of children, lower the age of consent and classify pedophilia as a sexual orientation.
This is the alarm we have been sounding and now we are hearing it from a man who fights sex trafficking on a global level."

That is the example offered to anyone who is not so easily groomed.

Your spin:
"None of those sources show school teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation."


As to the DEEP subject matter, digging further:


"Below are the two stories we covered last week regarding the teaching of pedophila in a California school. After our exposing them on video and our call to action they have removed that portion of the curriculum. The battle continues...."


Probably never. Sane people don't support pedophilia.

Sane people were pro free speech 10 years ago. Now they support banning "HATE SPEECH". Sane people believed in liberty and the right to assemble 10 years ago. Now they support lockdowns and facemask mandates.

@GilBatesLovesU wait I thought the anti-lockdown people were the ones against the right to assemble, based on everything I've seen recently.

Just so you know, full support of sexual orientation and gender identity rights has no connection to pedophilia.

@JacksonNought Anti-lockdown people against the right to assemble? That's an oxymoron isn't it? Unless you've seen something I haven't.

@GilBatesLovesU from what I saw, those same armed lockdown protesters were then celebrating violent tactics and forced curfews on the (95% peaceful) BLM protesters, even encouraging running protesters over with cars.

@JacksonNought Rioting, looting, burning down cities is 95% peaceful? If the people at Charlottesville had done 1/100th of what Antifa/BLM did, they would have declared martial law and put them in jail for life. That's putting aside the fact that the people at Charlottesville really were completely peaceful until Antifa showed up and started attacking people.

@GilBatesLovesU sorry, I was 2% off.


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