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For someone who often appears to be both sensitive to and concerned with what offends others, you don't seem to have concerns about unnecessarily using language that offends Christians, such as in your recent Youtube video entitled "I Take Hormones: Here's the Truth" (as well as other videos). You use "Jesus Christ" as a phrase to express exasperation in a way that you would never similarly say something that would be equally offensive to other groups of people (i.e., using the word "Allah" in a context that would offend followers of Islam). It may just be a habit that you say it and are not motivated by a conscious intent to offend. But that is no more acceptable than someone who "habitually" uses homosexual slurs or racial epithets. If you or others in this group do, in fact, find it acceptable please help me understand why.

MikeAndHisBike 4 Dec 20
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i don't hate or are even bothered by christians. its just a habit.

Attempting to excuse it as just a habit is both intellectually lazy and pathetic. I expected better from you, Arielle. Contending it is just a habit is not an acceptable excuse for knowingly offending others unless that same reason is also acceptable for using all types of other offensive language as well, including language "habitually" used by others regarding race, sexual orientation, other religions in addition to Christianity, etc., which you would find offensive. Do you not think that someone who uses offensive expressions out of "habit" has a responsibility to try to change once the offensiveness it has been brought to their attention? Do you think there is still a lack of contempt once they have been told and, therefore, have the mens rea to understand the offensiveness, but choose to continue the offensive speech? Your choice not to take ownership of this or indicate you would make an attempt to discontinue the offensiveness diminishes your credibility and character.

I get that and I have plenty of friends who do it out of habit as well. I don't look at it as an excuse. I just understand that using "Jesus Christ" as an expression is something you don't personally see anything wrong with. And if I choose to listen to you anyway, that's my decision.

That's just how I see it... but I am very interested in if you have any other thoughts on Christians being hated by many LGBT people and just progressives in general and Muslims being praised and protected. It's a weird phenomenon in my opinion.

Just to be clear, I am not attacking you at all, girl. I enjoy your content and completely support your right to say whatever you want. There's no judgement here. I just think it's an interesting topic to consider.


@ariellescarcellaI got yo back, home girl. That's not how making judgments happen, judging itself is bad and so is the system that you use to make it, but however it seems you're the one that is making a judgment on this girl and she is not, you think this girl is offending people, this is why that judgment that you made, you made, is wrong, don't try to blame it on judgment to make judging happen or the system of making good judgments, because, that, that is not how judgments are made, you're just making judgments for the sake of only making judgments not even caring about how making those judgments happen, and that is why that you're having so much of this problem right now with this girl, there is a reason that you would be wrong, it's not because that I judge you to be or not, it's because I shouldn't have to since you're either making right and good judgments for the sake of just making judgments to be able to or you're wrong right now, and you and your argument is wrong, you shouldn't have even tried to make that judgment about this girl, let me tell you what, about that, justice must not be what it is to you as it is to me then for that matter, justice works, because, you should be able aware to know that judging people is bad and so is the system, in your case, you've made the bad judgment, stop doing that, justice is not like that, just because you can judge others and be able to, still doesn't make it right though, so don't you think that you've happened to have taken this a little to far now, I don't need to be the one judging you for that fact and you have taken this too far though, that's why you're wrong.

Justice, happens when you've made the right and good judgments, justice does not require either just right or good judgments for, justice to exist. What makes you think that having judgments, would need to depend of justice really existing? You're the one judging this girl because it's your judgment being bad and you're not even the one thinking like that you're even sure about this right now, you've been wrong just like right now, and that's justice based on right and good judgments.

Let me tell you something you're must probably not been aware of then, about how the system of justice works my friend, just because it's you fighting against the system, it never means the system is ever right, the system is either right or wrong for accusing you, because that is the system, and the system can't ever be wrong, can it? I'm the Devil and I could have told you that too. Not that I should have to, because that's why the damn system works.

Moral of the story, just because things would be wrong if they are to be judged for what, I mean, you think about people say, or do for that matter, is not, a good enough reason to think it is, even, just because you happen to think it is, that's, not, justice, I don't care what you think you heard about Jesus Christ.


I completely understand your argument and generally agree with you, but I'm tempted to give Arielle the benefit of the doubt about this. She doesn't seem to me to have contempt for Christians but rather just uses these expressions out of habbit. That being said, Christians are a group that are considered acceptable to make fun of and disrespect these days.

Do you think that someone who uses offensive expressions out of "habit" has a responsibility to try to change once the offensiveness it has been brought to their attention? Do you think there is still a lack of contempt once they have been told and, therefore, have the mens rea to understand the offensiveness, but choose to continue the offensive speech?


I can only speak for myself here, so we'll have to wait and see if more people respond to you.

I agree with you. I'm a trans man and I am not religious, though I was religious at one point in my life. I grew up hearing "Jesus Christ" used as a curse and I used to commonly use it that way myself. But somewhere along the way as I grew up, I chose to eliminate the phrase from my vocabulary for the very reasons you just described. It's not my goal to offend people and Jesus is a holy figure to a lot of people. I want people to respect ME, so I try to start by giving that respect first.

Good topic. I'm interested to see what others will say.

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