Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!

The fan space for youtuber Arielle Scarcella

The fan space for youtuber Arielle Scarcella

Posts Tagged "LGBT" By ariellescarcella (61) Posts by members only

Jan 11, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
Is is horrible and sad that we live in a day and age where mental disorders are trendy and being a majority is demonized by the far left. Along with an increased amount of homophobia and young gay kids or confused kids and people in general in fact ...
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
Would you take your children to a strip club? You probably would say no. No matter what your politics are. But how is this any different? I am not against LGBT people at all but pushing your agenda on kids and making kids watch sexually provocative ...
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Dec 5, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
Am I the only one? I miss Kalvin Garrahs old content making fun of SJWs and transtrenders. I am glad Arielle makes those kinds of videos. We need to spread awareness on those cringe people. They are doing harm to the lgbt+ community plus Kalvin had ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Sep 29, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Naomi
Hello everyone. Am I right in thinking that this page serves as a space for LGBTQ members? As you know very well, outside this space, quite a bit of anti-LBGTQ rhetoric gets thrown around on a regular basis. Here is an example: I'm kind...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Feb 21, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by coloredpencils
Queer Something I have noticed is many people on Twitter use the word queer. Sometimes, that is the only word they use and they appear otherwise straight. I guess this is random but does this usage annoy anyone else? I feel like LGBT has ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Dec 21, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by SoftballCoach
Arielle, Middle aged Softball club coach here. I think that I am pretty liberal in thought when it comes to my girls. I just want to be as inclusive as possible. Not to ruffle feathers. But I have a question; the modern definition of the word queer ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Nov 24, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Kitkat99
Arielle, what do you think of lesbian only spaces? Should lesbians be allowed their own spaces or are they being unfair in excluding bisexuals and trans women? I’m a 20 year old lesbian struggling to accept my sexuality and I noticed the ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Oct 29, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by ariellescarcella
SO many people constantly tell us that the reason the LGBT community has rights, is because "trans women of color started to riots at Stonewall." This is a MYTH. My question though, is WHY do the progressive leftists feel the need to rewrite ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Sep 17, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Atitaya
Hi Arielle. I’m a big fan of you from Thailand. I, as a trans woman, want to thank you on saying that we must have gender dysphoria to be considered as a woman. I have struggled a lot through my transitioning, so it would be an insult to me and my ...
1 comment
Sep 10, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by dylanhope951
So, a few days ago I started chatting with someone online. This person (non-binary; I'm still going to respect their preferred pronouns even if you don't believe non-binary is a thing) was nice to talk to, we talked about gender and stuff like that. ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Aug 11, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by CelayDeLay
Arielle you tell some good truths cutting through the malarkey LGBT activists commonly spew.
1 comment
Aug 7, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Thebestjake
I just came across Arielle's channel a couple days ago. I started on the debate not hate part and I think this is so important today. I'm so glad someone is putting out content where it shows people can disagree and not get into name calling or mind...
1 comment
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jul 23, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Lilu
Using guilt and coercion to get a date or get laid... Is this Coercive Rape?
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jul 12, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by dylanhope951
Thought: Anyone else notice how it is pretty much always bisexuals/pansexuals telling homosexuals and heterosexuals to base their attraction on gender identity, rather than sex characteristics? These people will never understand binary attractions ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jul 1, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by ariellescarcella
I'm seeing massive similarities between BLM and Trans activism. Ex : If you're not completely compliant with what we are saying, you're excommunicated from the black / LGBT community. What have you noticed that's similar between both movements?
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jun 29, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by ariellescarcella
POLL‘Queer Liberation March’ mounts leftist assault on free thought An article written by my friend Brad, who's a gay man and leans more right. What do we think? Has LGBT pride become overly LEFT and political? READ (

Has LGBT pride become overly LEFT and political?

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Jun 19, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by RavenMStark
Calling all women, trans people, and feminists. I want to open up a conversation about language that is being used to describe women. I've seen women expressing disdain for the term "cis." I wanted to dive into that and see if there's a compromise ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jun 9, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Georgina123
'Pedophiles Are Infiltrating The LGBT Movement? (Yup, It's Happening)' I have felt for quite some time, that there isn't enough support for people who obtain this attraction for children, and who are now naming themselves as a minor attracted person...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jun 8, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by mattco
Re: 'Pedophiles are Infiltrating the LGBT movement' "Anything goes" clearly doesn't apply to sex, so let's seriously discuss what goes and what doesn't. I think the real test of modern sexual liberation will be the discernment of immoral sexual ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jun 7, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by tbarr227
Arielle help, i dont know what to say to my friends to wake them up. I just can't ignore this issue anymore (warning i get very ranty) Not gonna lie, im guilty of saying "if they let gay people get married, then people will push for pedophilic ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jun 7, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Romana
I find it hard to believe that these men are sick, they are organized and as they realize the recent confusion in the LGBT community, they want to look for a way to operate freely and proudly.
May 26, 2020May 2020

Posted by dreamscape
So 4 years ago I woke up from the insane ideology the LGBT created and I’m so glad theres finally a chill rational person in the community with a platform to speak on these issues inclusively. I’m 23 so these past years have been kind of ...
May 9, 2020May 2020

Posted by Rein_Cloud
Just watched Arielle's latest video about the trans woman who is managing dysphoria through therapy. I thought it was a great video and definitely gave some valid things to think about and consider. Of course, I inevitably stumbled across a trans ...
1 comment
May 1, 2020May 2020

Posted by jbuzzw
Hey Arielle, just wanted to say that you're doing fine. Keep doing you. Stick to your proverbial guns. ;) I'm a dyke in my early 50's that had a front row seat in San Francisco during the late 90's and early 00's when the whole F2M trans explosion ...
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Apr 30, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Pink
Very much love the channel, it has kept me entertained for a couple of years now. I have learned about a lot about LGBT topics and myself through your channel. Keep up the good work! :D
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Posted by fthemediaI noticed with people who want to be the opposite sex as a trend or way of escape are mostly young girls aged 13-16, gay women with internalized homophobia, gay men with internalized homophobia, ...

Posted by fthemediaIs is horrible and sad that we live in a day and age where mental disorders are trendy and being a majority is demonized by the far left.

Posted by fthemediaThis 100% many don't and just want to share there story

Posted by fthemediaIt's like we are living in a irl cringe comp.

Posted by fthemediaWelcome to incel central. Free ignorance!

Posted by TheHerrDarkThat sounds about right

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by NaomiShould there be legal restrictions on trans athletes competing in schools?

Posted by Naomi"Super Bi", “Super Gay”, “Super Lesbian”... So, is there anything wrong with "Super Straight"? Are you offended by the term?

Posted by ariellescarcellaHow do we feel about this? "Men and the rest" Why do men get the "safe space" toilet when they are not the ones who generally at risk?

Posted by AtitayaWoah. This is beyond madness. 😂😂 “There’s a lot to unpack here.”

Posted by TheHerrDarkSince you are an expert, Doesn't this ad look like a woman taking her top off? Did the Oculus design and marketing team really go there?

Posted by TheHerrDarkRemember when the leftist said Trump would shake Hitler's hand?

Posted by ariellescarcellaMen in dresses. Good, bad? Who cares?

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