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Why do Blacks have a much higher risk of being murdered by other Blacks than they do from Whites?

Post suggested by @AdrianRainbow

Why do you think the media highlights white-on-black killing?

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Charter 6 Jan 16
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This pretty much sums it up...

2peros Level 8 Mar 6, 2021

While I don't disagree with the idea of media profiting by sensationalism, I think the problem goes deeper.

Not to sound like a broken record, but I truly believe that we live in the Age of Perception, where truth is not fact-based, but instead predicated on what the largest or most vocal plurality of people perceive to be true. It's why we keep hearing about how we "need to see color" while also sitting quietly and listening to people's "lived experiences," because they are outright telling us that the facts are not as important to them as what they believe to true, even if there is no evidence to support that belief.

To that end, I believe that the black community acknowledges that black-on-black crime is a problem, but they perceive that white-on-black crime is an overwhelmingly larger problem. I mean, according to surveys, the black community believes that police alone are responsible for the murder of at least a thousand unarmed black people a year (if not more) when the number is closer to 10-30 per year. (1)

Now consider that the black community largely perceives America to be a white supremacist country and embraces the narrative that ALL white people are racist. They perceive that the #1 threat to black lives is not heart attack, not black-on-black crime, but racist white people murdering them in the streets. That's the perception. We roll our eyes when LeBron James says they are hunting us in the streets; we think he of all people should know better. But this is what he believes. And given the lack of backlash for saying such things, we must allow that a lot more people agree with him than disagree.

How do you argue with a perception so widely held? Especially when it's been made clear that facts do not matter, because they are inherently racist? Or as someone I know said, "They just make up the statistics to cover their crimes." You can't. You either agree with the false narrative or you get labeled as a racist who's part of the problem.

This is where we find ourselves in 2021, and then we openly wonder why so many are embracing critical race theory and trying so hard to tear down American society. Why they are willing to embrace a political ideology that has failed everywhere it's been implemented. Because they earnestly believe that white people are the enemy and cannot be convinced otherwise. So where do we go from here?

(1) Even one life taken unnecessarily deserves concern and a search for a better solution, but that's a different conversation. This one is about perception and as you can see, the perception is several orders of magnitude different from fact.

I want to address this:

(1) Even one life taken unnecessarily deserves concern and a search for a better solution, but that's a different conversation. This one is about perception and as you can see, the perception is several orders of magnitude different from fact.

No human system is perfect. The best system can still have an accident and it result in a death. Attempts to create a "zero" effect result (zero tolerance type approaches) can NOT work. Yes, I agree we should work to minimize the 'errors', but from a system's approach, humans are not perfect and neither are their systems.

And yes, perceptions are driving things much more than facts.


I don't dispute anything you just said.

Rather, I was trying to say that even one life lost unnecessarily deserves an analysis. If it was due to a equipment issue, is there better equipment? If it was a procedural issue, do the procedures need to be reviewed?

And if at the end of the analysis there are no improvements that can be made, then that's the answer. But at least an effort was made to seek an alternative. Complacency and apathy go hand-in-hand.

@Alysandir I DO agree with you. From my book:

It has been said that all we can reasonably expect of a society based on an imperfect humanity is “one with some evils, maladjustments and suffering”. Why? Why not work to eliminate evils, maladjustments and suffering? Accept them as the natural consequence of an imperfect humanity? I agree we are imperfect, but that does not give us license to ignore those imperfections. What is worse is to allow institutions WE create to result in evils, maladjustments and suffering by design.


Do you know why most car crashes happen within 5 miles of home?

Do you know why almost all shark attacks occur a few yards from the shore?

For the same reason that most Black homicides are caused by Black people.

And most White homicides are caused by White people.

People do most of their driving w/in 5 miles of home.

It goes without saying that most people at the beach aren't swimming miles from shore.
They're very close by to it.

Blacks are in proximity to Blacks, and most killings involve people who know each other.

Ditto, Whites.

Or, as Willy Sutton answered when asked why he robbed banks---"That's where the money is."


Clicks = $$
Keeping the racism narrative alive = $$


I havnt looked for the last couple of years, but it seems every race kills more of its own than any other race
Most murders are crimes of passion, or revenge.
They keep this narrative alive. Because if we all came together. We would hold them accountable for their nerfarious lies and deceit.
They need us to hate each other so we will never get together and realize how badly they are fucking all of us

Kheare Level 7 Mar 6, 2021

The new Communists/Socialists/"Progressives" need scapegoats to further their agendas. Blaming "white racists" is a good way to silence and get rid of opposition.

See my comment above -


Because it promotes unrest, and that seems to be the goal of most things these days. The stats for police involved deaths are also very low but when it does happen its plastered all over.


Fits the “America Is Racist!!” false narrative.

2peros Level 8 Mar 3, 2021

The Propaganda Media is obviously racist, and is trying to cause another Race War.

You think?


The mainstream media is controlled by the government which in turn is controlled by the ruling class. The ruling class want to thin the world population by a few billion and the goal is to create chaos (in which they hope the unwashed masses will kill each other). Creating rage at white people in the black community by perpetrating the myth that whites are actually preying on blacks dovetails nicely with their overall plan.


In part it sells add spots to broadcast the more selective scenarios. In part they have an agenda and it requires the destruction of western civilization and they see this as an opportunity to destroy the culture.


Turn off the propaganda
Media died with their credibility.
The internet and social media and lies killed it.
We the people know the truth.
This is good old good and evil.
Time to pick a side

David42 Level 7 Mar 16, 2021

The media highlights white-on-black killing to press the agenda of their handlers, which is to sew division in American culture to keep the people disorganized.

skaarda Level 7 Mar 12, 2021

Anti-white racism. See here ► []


Gangs appear to be more of a problem among blacks than whites. I gather the medias gain more views when they report on such topics.

Appear? They've largely been disintegrated. There are more gangs in Latino communities. And white gangs have been integrated into police departments and other law enforcement agencies.

@WilyRickWiles I'd agree there are more latino gangs than black ones, but that still doesn't remove the fact far too many young black people still get caught up in gangs. As for the latter... gang mentality isn't as much a direct issue as police unions gaining far too much power, and guess which of the two major political parties supports worker unions?

@SpikeTalon Not so much that "union." Though, yes, there is still residual support in the mainstream labor movement and Democratic party. But you better believe the GOP has their back.

@WilyRickWiles True, both of them are in on it.


Divide to conquer: Marxism, Communism... The Devil have many names! There are stages to the lie. Some people are lying for the profit, some for the power and some are lying by the nature (Idiots). It's the "War of Worlds" and they weapon (like propaganda flyers) are designed to create chaos and disinformation. The trick about the rasizm is that no one can truly prove it as long as it's not verbalized or acted accordingly. It's the blind spot for the media, governments and dumbed down populous. "The biggest enemy of the first world citizen is ignorance" ...FoSho!

LukeGP Level 7 Apr 27, 2021

I think you give the media WAY too much credit assuming they are ignorant of what they are doing.

@Andyman I think you miss understood my comment. The media knows exactly what they are doing and their bias is out in the open. In case of the leftists media, their "go to" topic is racism just to stir this pile of crap! It can be anything to be honest as long as it will "poke a hole in a whole". It's like a scratch on a paint of your car. It can be small, but it's noticeable and force a reaction. The ignorance comes from the people who don't bother to verify the source, therefore they don't contest their beliefs simply because it fits already established narrative. Example: Each one of us stood in a cue in grocery store and regardless of the race, everyone thinks the same... The cue is always tooo long! And that's the default! That's me or you in that cue and it's simple. But if you put into somebody head (through the daily dose of propaganda) certain ideas, suddenly you start to see the world as they show you, and not how you experience it at the moment. It's called deception and the enemy is within!

@LukeGP there’s another term for what the government media is doing and it’s called “gaslighting” after the classic movie of the same name. The government mainstream media isn’t biased, it’s utterly corrupt. I’m not disagreeing with you, just clarifying my position.

@Andyman Gaslighting is basically putting blame on someone else and it's specific in a base to base scenarios. That doesn't include censorship which is a big part of manipulation, which is part of the propaganda. And let's be honest, everyone is biased! Not all media are founded by the government but by swaying to one or another direction they need to have a motive (usually money) of course! The thing that corrupt is power, and power is obtained by accumulating scattered resources... Saying simple: Keep them confused and divided, and unite under "MY" banner. It's Marxism in a nutshell: black vs white, men vs woman, rainbow unicorns vs regular people, vaccinated vs non-vaccinated and it goes on, n on, n on... The truth is that there is a ton of studies about human behaviorism, mob mentality etc. and the "False Flag" approach is the most effective so far. My point, I guess is that people should stop to listen to the plastic box and start to follow the intuition.

@LukeGP gaslighting is when someone tells you something that you can see with your own eyes is clearly not true but they try to make you feel like you are insane or a fool if you don’t believe them. The mainstream media is NOTHING BUT government propaganda. Do a search on “project mockingbird”.

@Andyman Makes sense, I'll check it out. Tkanks

@Andyman Bingo!


The main stream media can no longer be depended upon to bring us the actual news. Instead they resort to alarmism just like the tabloids to increase/maintain their revenue. Even worse, governments force money out of our hands (taxes) by gunpoint if need be, to give to these media fantasies, in the form of grants.

Dale Level 7 Mar 17, 2021

The media does indeed manufacture crisis but it has nothing to do with ratings. CNN’s ratings are in the tank but they’re still going strong pumping out the crisis propaganda. Look up “project mockingbird”, the cia controls the mainstream media and they use phony crisis to scare the population into willingly giving up their freedom.

@Andyman []

@Dale I guess you didn’t read my comment.

@Andyman Actually, I did read your comment. As the public become more aware of the extreme left-wing bias and outright fabrication in the media, fewer and fewer intelligent people are willing to let their lives be shaped by their mock news.
This is also a major part of the MSM is being replaced by what is often maliciously referred to as the alternate media.
This is not the only reason of course but it is a significant part of why the current main stream media is being relegated to the trash heap.


If it was about Police Brutality, we would be talking about Native Americans. We, Native Americans, do not have enough of our people to be a significant voting block, so we do not matter. #RedLivesDontMatter []

I visited the Amerindian museum of the Smithsonian institute in Washington DC with my children some years ago.
Other than the tasty bison burgers, what I remembered most was how they showed comments by famous anti-slave activists. People who actively campaigned against slavery and oppression of black people in the 19th century had only hatred and venom towards Amerindian peoples.
It is like the hatred for Jews... somehow it is ok to hate you and you just don’t matter.


You tell people that how they feel is their reality and it manifests itself in reality.

wolfhnd Level 8 Feb 26, 2021

Let's make it anti-semitic too. Now its power has grown.

Possibly related to.................


Inducing fear is an easy tool some seek to use in order to manipulate the masses.


white replacement and genocide

  • Murder victims are most likely to be murdered by people they know, that's why the spouse is always a prime suspect until ruled out;
  • Murder victims are also most likely to be murdered by members of their own community, regardless of race - if you lived in a predominantly "____" area, your killer(s) will most likely be of the same race;
  • Once you take Race out of the picture, GOVERNMENT is the most likely perpetrator

@AlpacaLunch They're still active -
"...a hacker, who asked not to be identified but claimed affiliation with the hacking collective Anonymous, began researching Truth Social’s corporate structure. Trump tonight announces the launch ..."
Although aside from providing information to the public on their various channels, they are a dynamic group that morphs as they deem necessary.


@AlpacaLunch "...Perhaps [Aaron Barr] expected Anonymous to come after him…maybe he even welcomed the confrontation. After all, he was an ‘expert’ in software security. He ran his own security company. His CTO [Greg Hoglund] wrote a book about rootkits and maintained the website that boasted over 80 thousand registered users. Surely he could manage a few annoying attacks from a couple of teenage script kiddies playing on their parent’s computer. It would have been impossible for him to know how wrong he was.

It took the handful of hackers less that 24 hours to take complete control over the HBGary Federal website and databases. They also seized [Barr’s] Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and even his World of Warcraft account. They replaced the HBGary Federal homepage..."



Black lives matter is just one of the issues being pushed by left and right that say "It's your fault and you better do something about it." We all have some skin in the game and need to first look at ourselves and ask what could I be doing better.

Huh? Just what exactly do white people need to examine themselves for to do better? Be more obsequious to blacks? How’s that working out for you?

@Andyman The problem is essentially in the manner of your question. I am doing everything right so why should I have to change my behavior. Of course being more obsequious to blacks will only exacerbate the problem. It is necessary for all groups to analyze the realities of interpersonal interchange and see what is working and what is not. All groups have ways in which they can better behave. I do not follow any religion, but that is the basis of Christ's teachings.

@Pand0ro with all due respect Christ’s teachings went a little deeper than “can’t we all get along?”. For instance, I seriously doubt Jesus would approve of Planned Parenthood or a woman’s so called “right to choose”, neither would he support the LGBT “community” nor the promiscuity that goes hand in glove with it. Jesus didn’t come here to get along with everyone, He came here to offer salvation to a world full of sinners. This isn’t Deep Space Nine.

@Andyman I said nothing about specific behaviors. I merely stated that Christ reminded us of our imperfection and encouraged us to recognize our failures and work at being a better person. The world full of sinners includes me and you.

@Pand0ro well, back to your original comment about how we all need to examine ourselves to see how we can do better, have you not noticed the millions of white people who bend over backwards to appease the angry demands of blacks and Mexican and Central American aliens who come here for “free” (taxpayer) handouts. Where are they examining themselves and trying to do better to get along with everyone? All I ever hear is how they want to eradicate everything they consider “white”. Saying “we can all do better” is a bit of a cop out.

@Andyman In other words if they're not doing it why should I have to? There are enormous numbers of irresponsible black people as there are Asians, Mexican, Native American, European, Aboriginals and so on. Among those groups are also enormous numbers of responsible individuals. There always have been and always will be those differences. Social direction today is in encouraging us to abdicate our responsibilities and demand that I am right and you must change. The violent protests and destruction of the past year have been saying just that. The left and the right are equally guilty for expecting their utopia and not considering what conservative principles and what liberal principles can work to build the future. It is not perfect and cannot ever be but we can work to make things better.

@Pand0ro you obviously have never looked at fbi crime statistics broken down by race (before the fbi started keeping that information confidential because it reflected so poorly on blacks). To say “everyone has faults” might be technically true but it’s also weaselly virtue signaling and avoiding the reality.


Scape goating

American Black Culture was seduced by drug culture, which glorified crime, which celebrates violence, money, dehumanization of females for sexual gratification.

While many groups found revenues off exploiting African descendants antagonism of a system which historically denied the citizenry of.

Making progress in exploiting American Africans descendants was complicit in hate crimes im assuming exist by and large as I haven’t personally seen it, although myself had been targeted by anti white racism, where I’m surprised I didn’t get hospitalized or killed from.

It could be demonstrated fear of A.A.’s is driven by the violent celebrity within ranks as mainstream, yet the people of America itself is afraid to call out this danger. Do other ethnicities have reason to fear AA’s more so than others?

Yet in America, we choose how we contribute, and in a manner of perspective, create what we wish to be part of. I’m not able to say don’t engage with certain artist, lifestyles. I encourage Christianity, which had historically been transcendental on all ethnicities, disputes within are commonly doctrine understanding arguments.

The ability to navigate an American lifestyle is still beneficial from what I know of African history over the same time frame.

It’s easy to be negatively impressed by a culture, doesn’t create racism, it creates fear. I value AA’s social ability, it’s notably impressive compared to other ethnicities community nucleus, presumedly which creates a high social tension within the order of AAs structure, and yet America has celebrated AA history to date. That’s not racism, but being estranged isn’t racism, it’s unfamiliar culture to those raised without it.

I’m sure many people are racist, that’s not a crime. Thought crimes are a perilous slope. I advocate Christianity could remedy many society ills. It’s disheartening to be effected by racism, but you can’t illegalize feelings.

Crime is the AA’s problem, not slavery or historic obstacles.

So how do you explain the behavior of Africans in African countries run by Africans or African descendants in Haiti and the Dominican Republic or in Western Europe or Australia or wherever you find them on the planet? Their behavior seems pretty much the same. Race is not just melanin levels, it’s deeply genetic and the African race has proven itself to be genetically prone to lower IQ’s and lower impulse control which inevitably leads to higher rates of violence. It’s not something a lot of people like to hear but the “racism” and “exploitation” excuse are wearing thin because there are too many parts of the world where blacks are only exploited by other blacks and too many parts of the world where blacks live among whites who have never exploited them but they are still habitual violent predators.

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