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The problem is not that the story is false. The problem is that it is an inconvenient truth that they don’t want publicized.


Edgework 8 Oct 19
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I feel the same way as I do with the "bombshell" releases from Bob Woodward and John Bolton and everyone else. If this is such Earth-shattering news that could change opinions and affect the election, why were you sitting on it for a year and waiting to release it for an "October Surprise" when millions of people have already cast their ballots? If they think Biden was so corrupt, why not release it right away? Is it because they didn't care unless Biden became the Democratic candidate? It is because they didn't want to give the DNC any chance in replacing him? Why play games with the future of our country just for political gains for Trump?


The media is trying to protect Biden. They are trying to use the First Amendment to destroy the rights protected by the First Amendment. They must be stopped.


Not that there would ever be a good time for stuff like this to be unearthed but this has to be the worst possible time. It would be nice if the MSM would ask Daddy about it. Let's see what kind of spin he can put on it.

I was upset with an October surprise but the FBI has had the documents for almost a year. Still wish Gulliani had released it a few weeks earlier, assuming he had access for months before.

@Penrodster I'm thinking that an earlier release might have had a bigger impact.

The only people who sat on it were the FBI. They took possession of the material and told no one, even though at the time Trump was being impeached for asking legitimate questions about the crimes for which they were hiding material evidence.

Giuliani’s lawyer got the drive in August. Giuliani is a career prosecutor. He wasn’t about to go running to the press before he’d vetted the material.

The MAC shop owner thought that he’d be out of it once the FBI took over. But after several months of no action he started inquiring about other avenues.

This isn’t about Hunter Biden. It’s about a crime family that’s been in business since 1973, and the patriarch who’s been in charge from the beginning.

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