The incident at Martha's Vineyard? What does it say about the USA? Like the old saying goes "Actions speak louder than words" When people in power can summon the Army to handle their perceived problems? When the administration of a serving President can withhold information from that President "Trump Administration"? When the evidence is overwhelming that the last Presidential election was a farce? Even puppet Biden has his statements countermanded by his administration! The only conclusion!! "The USA is ruled by an elite who play a game of charades so the peasants believe they live in a democracy.
Well the Republican governor sent in the military to move the migrants away from Martha's Vineyard. But yeah, actions do speak louder than words, and the actions of Ron DeSantis are textbook "kidnapping by inveiglement" and criminal investigations are underway. Just add to the list of Republican human traffickers in Florida.
"When the evidence is overwhelming that the last Presidential election was a farce?" funny that none of that evidence was ever brought to any of the court cases, which is why they were struck down. None of the lawyers claimed fraud in actual court, since they could be held in contempt for lying - no, they reserved that for Fox News since they could lie all they wanted there.
Hey where is that evidence Mike Pillow has been promising every day?
Human trafficking is willfully violating the immigration law on the books, intended to benefit immigrants, AND the US, by allowing our economic system to adjust to the stress, correctly screen for things like medically resistant tuberculosis, false asylum seekers, and criminals often participating in ACTUAL human trafficking and drug transportation. The damage those people have done to Americans on the border is horrendous, and that is squarely on the shoulders of Democrats, led by Biden.
Stopping the flow of illegals into the US is easy: 15 year prison without appeal, forever losing the privilege of US citizenship if caught entering illegally, and revoking amnesty forever. The flow into the US would immediately reverse, and those attempting to enter for criminal opportunity would stand out like a neon sign. Sound harsh? Still more benign than almost every country in the World. Mexico could be life imprisonment for a person who has no resources.
Shows where the Real Power is. Don't bring the illegals to the playground of the rich and famous no matter how welcoming they claim to be.
“The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.” Robert Heinlein.
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Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzYou can be like Jordan Peterson and sell your own soul...then you can BUY THINGS! Our society is so far GONE!!!