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LINK UC Berkeley: Professor admits no Native American tribal affiliation after decades of claiming otherwise

Elizabeth Hoover, an associate professor of environmental science, policy and management at the University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley), recently admitted that she has no tribal connections after decades of claiming otherwise.

Hoover is “one of 11 self-identified Native American/Alaska Native ladder-rank faculty members at Berkeley,” according to the Berkeley News.

For decades, Professor Hoover has attributed her Native American heritage to being part of both the Mohawk and Mi’kmaq Indian tribes.

Hoover released an official statement on the issue on Oct. 20 titled “Statement about Identity.” In it, she discussed the results of her investigation into whether she truly had Native American roots.

“Now, without any official documentation verifying the identity I was raised with, I do not think it is right for me to continue to claim to be a scholar of Mohawk/Mi’kmaq descent,” Hoover wrote.

“We have to date found no records of tribal citizenship for any of my family members in the tribal databases that were accessed.”

God forbid scholars stand solely on the value of their scholarship with no bonus for belonging to this or that demographic!

sqeptiq 10 Nov 9
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There can only be one Pocahontas, and that seat's taken.


Berkeley has always The center for leftist and communist, idealism and activism. Remember the riots?
Far less than one percent of the population cause far more than 75% of the problems in media and society.
1% of repeat offenders (mostly males of color, between the ages of 14-24 ) perpetrate 63% of violent crime.
The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.
America is still the best the world has to offer, unless you want to live on an Island

Fast being eroded by Leftists in academia who are just exercising their "free speech" to gaslight and subvert. Even MIT has already been infiltrated.

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