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Guy lives across the street, parks his truck facing you, and has his headlights on, staring at you, he does this sometimes, what do you do?

A) ignore the guy

B) talk to the guy

C) call the police

D) this is horror movie shit, go kill the motherfucker

FocusOn1 7 June 8
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If you lived in Canada, the police would have arrested the truck owner for honking his horn.


B) talk to the guy.

Either you're paranoid or he knows you aren't a democrat and he's trying to make you paranoid. Or he has to sit in his truck for awhile before he confronts his wife. Could be anything.....???


I would need more context to be able to effectively answer. Is there a beef going on? Is it persistent and on purpose? Can it be ignored (many childish deeds stop when they don't result in the outcome desired)? Are there additional acts or threats during these incidents? If calling the police, there has to be a reasonable suspicion that crime has been or is about to be committed. My Pappy said if a man doesn't like you and you can't see why, then ask him. He will often be glad to tell you why

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