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If you spend 16 motherfucking years in a government school and still don't know how to make money something is fucking wrong!!!!!

Youre not being educated, youre being indoctrinated

FocusOn1 7 June 11
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In the past part of the process of the indoctrination was that you don't make money you earn it.

There is actually something to be said for indoctrination, it is just what you are indoctrinating that is problematic.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 11, 2024

Define "earn"

As long as no deception or force is used.

Politicians don't earn.their money, they steal it


"As long as no deception or force is used."

If you think about it children are "indoctrinated" into being civilized creatures. Force and deception is often used. In the past they were told they were going to hell if they were not civilized. Are they better off now that force and deception is no longer used? Can you actually negotiate with a child?

The question become if the population is childlike? The folk wisdom of a people that govern themselves are governed best comes to mind. Most of our problems come from a failure of people to govern themselves according to the rules of civilized life. To be virtuous according to some generally agreed on standard. That standard can be seen in traditional Western virtues.

Chastity or Purity and abstinence as opposed to lust or Luxuria. Temperance or Humanity, equanimity as opposed to Gluttony or Gula. Charity or Will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice as opposed to Greed or Avaritia. Diligence or Persistence, effortfulness, ethics as opposed to Sloth or Acedia. Patience or Forgiveness, mercy as opposed to Wrath or Ira. Kindness or Satisfaction, compassion as opposed to Envy or Invidia. Humility or Bravery, modesty, reverence as opposed to Pride.

Indoctrinating people in those virtues seems like a good idea to me.

@wolfhnd civilization is institutionalized deception and force aka the matrix the costumes and laws are a form.of deception, backed by force


Absolutely but the alternative is the chaos of nature. Original sin if you like.

@wolfhnd there's only an illusion of law and order, hence the matrix


I'm not impressed by the analogy that reality is a simulation and we are just wet robots. The brightest people say we live in a mathematical universe. It better capture that we live in a world of internal abstractions. Or if you like the idea of a thing because of complexity and chaos should never be confused with the thing itself.

Remember hubris was the first sin, it is what threw Satan into hell.

The problem with languages are they tend to have absolute internal logic. Reality is more a matter of degree not kind. How much law and order is enough to say it exists. Those kinds of questions unavoidably introduce a degree of subjectivity.

@wolfhnd no you're not red pilled yet .

Laws are made up by a group of people that call themselves congress.

They make shit up and call it a law

The courts interpret the made up shit or.....find it to follow another made up document called the constitution. The constitution was made up as well.

It's all a big fucking illusion.

Think about how black people used to be property, you could do what the fuck you wanted because the made up law said you could.

Now, the slaves were fooled by the illusion of law and obeyed and picked cotton.

If you're red pilled, you know it's bullshit, but if you're a slave indoctrinated, you Obey.

Nations don't exist and the name of lands change over time.

America used to be inhabited by people who didn't speak English and it wasn't even america.

Do you understand? People are convinced and fooled by illusions spun by idiots in congress and clowns in costumes paid by......ta da, fake money with some guys face on it, so a guy with a gun puts his life on the line to force people to.follow am idiots imagination for some fake money, hence ,


@wolfhnd people are persuaded by bullshit!!!!!


I get it but unfortunately we don't live in the Matrix we live in a civilized state. You can get all philosophical about it but if you go that route you just as well say consciousness is an illusion. Meaning what you think is you is an illusion created by the evolutionary forces that needed you to think that your existence was meaningful. You are just there to serve reproduction of the species and consciousness aids in that process.

I really don't like the Matrix analogy. A better one is we live in a mathematical universe. Meaning that we use abstractions to comprehend reality. Reality itself is something we don't have full access to.

It is true that all laws are arbitrary red lines. Think of it this way however could you play baseball without arbitrary rules such as what constitutes a home run, or how many strikes it takes to have an out. Even the "laws" of nature are arbitrary in the chance events that allow one species to survive and another to go extinct.

It is all very simple, good luck surviving on your own.

@wolfhnd no no no no, it all sounded good, except you think we live in a civilized state, which means you still aren't red pilled. You can break it into 2 different kinds of laws, Gods law, which is real and cannot be broken, and man's law, which is fiction and made to be broken.

When a mosquito tries to suck your blood, it doesn't give a fuck that it's committing assault and practicing violence taking your blood without consent, the mosquito is not fooled by man's law, it follows God's law, it knows it needs your blood.

We don't live in a civilized society, we live in an illusion of a civilized society.

Nature and God's law do not give a fuck about man's law.

If you need to take a shit and it's illegal for you to shit anywhere, nature doesn't care, that shit needs to come out. Man create retarded laws that defy nature and nature wins EVERY Fucking time.

Man likes to feed their own ego creating and arguing about stupid shit that doesn't even exist.

@wolfhnd for example, the wizard posted that there is a new law in UK, man gives you the ick? Jail the prick!

So if a woman feels the ick, you committed a crime.

Now, a woman said she feels the ick if a man sits on a toilet. That man committed a crime, sitting on a toilet.

This isn't civilized. This is made up bullshit.

@wolfhnd when you become Neo in the matrix, you are no longer bound by bullshit. You see the machine for what it is, a machine designed to suck your blood and labor systematically, a parasite. Jesus recognized the hypocrisy of the law and sacrificed himself. The law doesn't exist. Human beings are highly imaginative creatures. If you take the blue pill, you live in an illusion. If you take the red pill, you see the illusion for what it is.


Of course I'm not red pilled. I happen to like civilization. You can say it is a illusion all you want but try living without it. I'm going to finish this conversation by saying I'm not impressed by the philosophy of Ayn Rand.

@wolfhnd the parallels are insane, some people prefer the illusion of the matrix to the harsh realities of the real world

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